Feb 10, 2016 | Bloghop |

Back to another #WIPITUP Wednesday and I’ve got my actual work-in-progress to share with you! (Taken by the Enemy has been officially accepted by the publisher and I’ll have more details about it later!) Last year I participated in an anthology and wrote a story called ‘Reunited’ about a woman going back for her 10-year high school reunion. I think many of us have had nightmares, and fantasies, about how that might go for us – but I decided to go the fantasy route. Because, hey, erotica author.
Anyway, I wanted to let us all get introduced to this book as I work on the individual release and the extended extra that will come out with it! In this scene, Megan Harper has been cozying up to the bar to avoid the people she doesn’t want to talk to at the reunion, when someone special arrives.
“Can I have another pink fizzy whatever the hell it is?” Meg sighed and leaned her head on her hand as the bartender appeared in front of her.
“Decided you liked it?” He grinned.
“It wasn’t the worst thing ever.”
“See? Sometimes trying something new ends up working out perfectly. Here you go.” He slid the glass in front of her and wandered off. Just as she took a sip she heard a voice shout from halfway across the room, breaking through Gold Digger like it wasn’t on top volume.
“MEG?! Megster!” Her eyes tracked until she landed on the one face she had completely dreaded seeing, while at the same time secretly hoping for more than anything.
Eric Lewis.
His smile was still Colgate commercial perfect, his dimples looked like they’d been punched into his cheeks by God himself, and he was all broad-chested muscle as far as she could tell through the very sharp suit hugging his body. Meg had to remind herself to shut her mouth, and stop drooling, and to fucking smile and not gawk at him openly.
How had she ever dated him and why on earth had she ever broken up with him?
Eric engulfed her in a hug that smelled like heaven and her arm slipped around his back to hug him in return. “Holy hell, Eric! I haven’t seen you in –”
“Ten fucking years, Megster.” He leaned back and grinned at her with that same wicked smile that had quite literally melted the panties off her in high school. He’d been her first, and to date he’d still been her best. How many women could say that?
With an internal flinch she couldn’t decide if that was actually depressing or not.
Ohhhh, I’m going to love introducing you to the characters in this story. It’s hot, hot, hot! While you’re waiting on these snippets to start heating up, check out the other authors on the blog hop below and keep coming back for more ‘Reunited’ snippets!
PS – The first book in my Thalia series hit #1 on Amazon this week! If you haven’t checked out ‘Security Binds Her’, go ahead and grab a copy!

Now go on and check out these other lovely authors on the #WIP Wednesday blog hop below!
Feb 6, 2016 | Bloghop |

Well, hello again, lovelies! I have wonderful news about ‘Taken by the Enemy’… it’s officially been accepted by the publisher and a little bird mentioned that I should be able to release details around it soon! So exciting! For this week’s blurb I decided to go back to the beginning and show you what it was like when Emmie first showed up in the village with her hands bound. Enjoy!
“Lucian, you’re back! Get us anything to eat?” A man pushed himself up from the ground near the entrance and stepped forward with a broad smile. His hair was a long, reddish-brown, and his eyes roamed over her as his smile faded into a much different grin. “Well, you at least got something to feast on.”
Emeline growled low. “Just try it, asshole.” She tried to jerk away from Lucian’s grip on her neck, but his fingers tightened viciously and held her in place.
The man’s eyes widened, and he laughed, but Lucian’s dull nails just pressed into her skin, his mouth close to her ear, “What did I tell you about respect?”
She spat at his feet and Lucian threw her forward onto the ground, barely able to catch herself on her shoulder instead of her face. “Shit!” Emmie groaned as the ache radiated up over her back.
“You found a wild one!” The man shouted with laughter in his voice.
“You have no idea.”
I just love their interactions, it was so much fun to write! Speaking of writing, I am moving along in my writing list to my next works so the next blog hop will likely be from my next release. But if you’re hungry for more ‘Taken by the Enemy’ flip back through my blog and check out all the lovely snippets! Once you’ve done that, browse these other awesome authors from the blog hop below.
Feb 3, 2016 | Bloghop |

Welcome back for another #WIPITUP Wednesday blog hop post from my upcoming book ‘Taken by the Enemy’! This week’s post is from much farther into the book where Emmie should know better than to cross the line with Lucian, but she takes it a step too far anyway. Enjoy!
He stood up, facing off with her and she hated that to meet his eyes she had to look up at him. “Don’t do this,” he whispered, but her rage overflowed from that hollow place inside her, filling her to the brim.
“Shut up, Lucian.” Emmie turned to walk away from him, and the collective gasp from a few people around her should have been warning enough that she’d gone too far, but it was made clear when he yanked her back by her hair.
“You do not get to speak to me that way.” Lucian pulled her back against him, his fist twisting in her hair until the pain made her eyes water. “I warned you,” he hissed into her ear, and she remembered his threats from a few days before.
“No, no, Lucian -”
“Quiet. You’ve lost the right to speak. You’ll earn it back once you’ve been punished.” His voice was like iron as he pulled her with him through the gathering of people to a nearby tree. “Someone bring me some rope!”
“Lucian! Don’t do this, don’t -”
He shoved her forward against the tree and pressed himself against her back. “Be glad I’m not stripping you naked for this.” Lucian spoke low, and she could hear the anger in his voice. Someone must have brought him rope because he grabbed one of her arms and a rough loop slid over her wrist. “Move and it will be worse, I promise.”
When he stepped away from her, her first thought was to run, but he was already wrapping the rope around the tree, and then he had her other wrist in his grip and the rope was being pulled tight. Emmie couldn’t see what he’d done, but when he appeared next to her she couldn’t move back. “I’m sorry -”
“No. You’re not.” Lucian’s voice was hard as he reached between her and the tree to unbutton her pants, jerking them down along with her underwear despite her efforts to close her thighs. “But you might be after this.”
Eek! I think Emmie might have made him angry, what do you think? I do hope you’ll keep coming back for more snippets of this book and my others I’ll be working on soon, because NEWS! ”Taken by the Enemy’ is officially done and is off to the publisher! I hope to be able to make more official announcements about that partnership soon, but until then check out these other hot snippets on the blog hop below.
Jan 30, 2016 | Bloghop |

Hello, lovelies! It’s time to warm up your palms for some Saturday Spankings blog hop action! Today I’ve got a scene from later in ‘Taken by the Enemy’ where Emmie clashes with Lucian again. They just had a huge argument, and Emmie (as usual) can’t control her mouth. This blog hop requires short snippets so I know this cuts off just as it gets juicy, but let me tell you… she ends up with quite the warm ass.
NEWS: ‘Taken by the Enemy’ is officially done and in the hands of my editor! It will be with the publisher by the end of the weekend and so I hope to be able to make more official announcements about that partnership soon. Until then… enjoy!
“You’re a bastard.” Emmie glared at him, well aware of the threat he’d made to reveal her name.
Lucian stepped close to her, his voice low and dark, “That’s what you really think of me?”
“Then maybe you should leave.” Lucian’s body was tense with restrained anger, and she knew it, but she couldn’t stop herself from pushing him.
“Maybe I should,” she spoke quietly. “Maybe I should go find one of the free men and see if they treat me any better.”
He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around, slamming her back against the wall of his house, the whole structure shaking with the force. He hissed close to her face, “You want to go fuck someone else?”
“Maybe I do!”
Lucian growled, his grip painfully tight on her skin. “You think they’d treat you any differently? You think they’d take your smart mouthed comments in stride?”
“I bet there’s at least one of them that would like my smart mouth, it just may take me trying out a few before I find them.” She leaned her head forward, meeting his gaze at close range. “Maybe I’ll need to try a lot of them.”
There was a dark, lurking rage behind his eyes, but his voice was deadly quiet. “You have no idea how gentle I’ve been with you.”
*shivers!* He can be so delightfully scary sometimes, but Emmie challenges him – which may be just what he’s been looking for. Who knows? You’ll have to keep coming back to see! For now, check out these other lovely authors on the blog hop below.
Jan 27, 2016 | Bloghop |
With this week’s WIP Wednesday I decided to give you all a little peek into how Emmie got her hands bound in the first place. This is shortly after Emmie hit Lucian in the face and ran away into the woods. She wanted to escape, aaaand we’ll see how well that goes.
Lucian’s powerful grip caught the other strap on the pack and he jerked her back, sending her to the ground hard. In an instant he had tossed her bag to the side and his other hand caught the frantic kick she attempted. “Oh no, not this time little bird.”
His nose was bloodied, a red smear across his left cheek, and even as he yanked her towards him over the rough earth she cheered internally that she’d hurt him. With another useless attempt to kick him she shouted, “Don’t touch me, you bastard!”
“Touch you?” He huffed and stopped another rushed attempt to hit him, catching her wrist in his hand. Lucian flipped her to her stomach easily, pulling her arm sharply up behind her back until her shoulder screamed. Biting her lip she tried to struggle free, shoving herself forward with the toes of her shoes in the dirt, but his knee landed heavy in the small of her back.
“Little bird…” His voice sounded exasperated with her, and she yelled in frustration as she fought him.
“Stop calling me that!”
He laughed, a low and surprising sound. “Stop fighting then and tell me what I should call you.”
“Fuck off.”
“That’s an odd name.” He wrenched her arm higher onto her back and tears burned her eyes as she whimpered. “Tell me your name, little bird.”
“Go to hell.” Emmie pressed her forehead into the leaves, and then she felt his breath against the back of her neck.
“You’re going to learn that it’s much easier when you obey me, little bird, and that there are consequences to disrespect.” Lucian’s voice had a hard edge to it, and she yelped as he twisted her other wrist up behind her back. The rough texture of rope winding over her skin made her struggle anew, but his weight dropped on her and it was impossible to breathe. She wanted to curse him, to call him every name she had ever learned – she just didn’t have enough air to do it.
Want to know why Lucian calls her little bird? Want to know what happens next? Stay tuned for more from Taken by the Enemy! Coming soon!
In the mean time… check out more hot snippets from other authors on the bloghop below!
Jan 23, 2016 | Bloghop |
Back for another Saturday Spankings Blog Hop as I’m starting to bring my latest book to a close! I’m excited for all of you to learn what happens with Emmie and Lucian and their world. This week I wanted to give you a sneak peek into what it’s like after Emmie gets her hands free. Hope you enjoy!
Emmie promptly jerked her hand from Lucian’s, but she kept pace with him when he laughed and kept walking. “Mathias wants you to punish me, doesn’t he?”
“He’s asked me to, yes.”
“Is that where we’re going?”
“Do you need to be punished?” Lucian looked over his shoulder at her as they reached the outer edge of the village.
“Don’t mock me. What exactly are we doing?” Emmie stopped, and he sighed as he turned to face her.
“First, I’m about to grab a spear from the set of them we have right over there. Then, I have something I want to show you.” He gestured ahead of them and bowed with more grace than she’d seen in half the aristocracy of the city. “If I may?”
I know, I know. It’s short, but that’s the deal with this one! Hopefully you’re just as curious about the multi-sided Lucian as Emmie is in the book. Let’s just say he’s complicated.
Now that you’ve checked my snippet out, check out these other authors on the bloghop below! Who doesn’t need a little more hotness in their lives?