WIP Wednesday – ‘Taken by the Enemy’ snippet!

WIP Bloghop

Ahhh, WIP it up Wednesday! I’ve missed this blog hop! Today we have a snippet of my next book ‘Taken by the Enemy’ which will be released by a publisher in the coming months (more info to come when I can share it). This scene is actually connected to my Saturday Spankings blog hop scene (go check it out too if you like!), but you can just read this if you like. In this scene, Emmie has spent a night with her hands tied behind her back after Lucian captured her, and she really wants them free. He’s agreed to graciously untie her hands if she earns it.

Hope you enjoy it, lovelies!

“What do you want?” Emmie whispered.

“I want you to accept your role here, and earn the right to have your hands free.”

“I refuse.”

Lucian stood up and grabbed the back of the chair to return it to the table. “Alright then, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Wait!” Emmie cried out and he stopped. She let out a frustrated scream and clenched her eyes tight. “Please, I want my hands free. I’ll do what you want.”

The sound of the chair landing in front of her alerted her to his presence, and then she heard his deep breath as he settled onto it. “Alright. What do you think I want?”


Silence stretched, and then she felt his touch under her chin lifting her head and she opened her eyes to find that heather gray stare inches from her. “Yes, I do. What are you offering, little bird?”

Please,” she whimpered, and his thumb brushed across her lips. The intimacy of that touch made her shudder, and then she knew exactly what he wanted. “I’ll –”

“Yes?” He asked, holding her chin so that she couldn’t look away. It was infuriating to look at him. Those strong features, accented by the delicate, high cheekbones that would have made him almost pretty – if it weren’t for the rugged tousle of his light brown hair. She hated him, and his face, and his strong body, and the power he held over her.

“I’ll taste you,” she whispered, and his eyes widened slightly.

“Really.” It didn’t come across as a question, more of a doubting mockery, but that was something she at least knew how to do. It was at least something she had done under much more pleasant circumstances.

“Yes,” she muttered and turned her face out of his hand.

“Let’s see then, because you won’t need your hands for it.” Lucian leaned back from her, and she was grateful for the space until his hands went to his pants and began to open them. He was already hard, straining against the fabric until his cock finally sprang free and he stroked it slowly. “Come on, little bird.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Would you prefer Emmie?” he asked.

“I’d prefer silence.”

Ah! She’s so sassy, I love it! Hopefully you enjoyed it too and I also hope that you come back to read more about Emmie and Lucian in ‘Taken by the Enemy’. If you’re still hungry for more fun snippets, check out the other authors on the blog hop below!

Saturday Spankings Blog Hop!


I’m getting back into the swing of posting to blog hops with Saturday Spankings this week, because I’m absolutely back in the swing of writing! This is a snippet from my next book ‘Taken by the Enemy’ that I’m working on for a publisher (details to come soon). In this scene Emmie has spent some time with her wrists bound behind her back after she was captured by Lucian, he’s graciously giving her the chance to earn the right to have her hands free. Enjoy, lovelies, and stay on the look out for more updates about this release!

“If you don’t want to fuck me for it, then offer something else. That is, unless you’ve grown comfortable with your wrists tied like that.”

“Fine. I promise not to hit you again when you untie me.” Emmie said it seriously, but he just chuckled.

“Try again.”

“I won’t strangle you either.”

Lucian grinned, leaning forward. “As if you could.”

Emmie leaned forward too, their faces dangerously close. “Untie my hands and let’s test it.”

Like one of my friends (who has been peeking at this book as I’m writing it) said, these two are like oil and water, but it’s making them a blast to write! Hope you check back for more snippets from Emmie and Lucian, but in the meantime check out these other fantastic Saturday Spanks authors below.


WIP Wednesday: ‘Of Fog and Fire’ Part II

WIP Bloghop

Why, hello, everyone! I’ve been busy running all over the world the last few weeks, but I’m back to writing and I wanted to give you all a sneak peek of Part II of my upcoming release ‘Of Fog and Fire’ for WIP Wednesday this week. The first part of this story appeared in the last anthology I participated in, Twist, and I was planning on writing a short extra for the individual release but the story took over and now there’s a whole other part to the book.

This part follows Bryant and Phee as they deal with political upheaval in the city after the uprising, and let’s just say neither of them are making friends with the opposition. In this scene, their friends Easton and Regan have come to the apartment to warn them of something.

Enjoy, and watch my page for information on the upcoming release! *heart*

Easton walked further into the apartment, dropping onto the couch and propping his dirty boots up on the pristine coffee table. “But we’re not here to talk about that, we’re here to talk about the fact that you two have seriously pissed off the COF supporters. You may as well have painted targets on your backs like some old cartoon and stood outside and asked them to come after you.”

“I don’t care what they’re threatening, Danny boy, I’m not backing down on one of the few campaign promises Parks made that we might actually be able to fulfill this year.” Bryant wandered past them all and back into the bedroom to put the gun away. When he stepped back into the living room he had a shirt on and Easton looked pissed.

“Even if it means they hurt Phee? Fuck, Holbrook, I thought you’d do anything to keep her safe. You certainly always have before now. All I’m asking is that you wait a couple of days until we get them squared away. I’ve got my whole team trying to figure out where they’re going to be so we can catch them with enough evidence to take them all down.” Easton rolled his eyes, “If you don’t want to protect Phee for your own sake, at least think of me. If Regan loses her best friend I’ll never hear the end of it!”

Phee grabbed one of the pillows off the couch and threw it at Easton’s face, irritated that he’d accuse Bryant like that over some bullshit threat, “Shut up, Easton!” She snapped at him and he caught the pillow and glowered at her.

“What? You think I’m kidding?” He pulled it into his lap and leaned forward. “These guys aren’t messing around, and if they do get their hands on you and Bryant continues to be Captain Noble of the New Democratic Fellowship over here, then who knows what they’ll do to you. This is fucking serious!”

“I can’t just run away every time they threaten me, or Phee, or anyone, it doesn’t work that way. These guys don’t get to control how the NDF works, or what we do, by playing dirty. If I let these threats work this time, then what happens next time? What happens when they try the same shit on an even bigger issue?” Bryant was clearly frustrated, and his argument made sense. It would just be a lot easier to agree with him completely if the threat hadn’t been made against her. She didn’t want someone to try and use her against him.

“And what happens if you lose Phee while you’re standing on your principles?” Easton went for blood, and Regan groaned off to her right.

“That’s not going to happen. Bryant loves Phee and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Right, Bryant?” Regan’s voice was hopeful, and the words stuck in Phee’s chest like she’d swallowed wrong. As much as she wanted to act calm and casual, she still snuck a glance at Bryant. His forehead was creased and he pushed a hand into his hair – wait, he was thinking about it?

“Bryant?” She asked and he looked over at her with a pained expression.

“Baby, I can’t cancel the improvement project, you know that. It’s going to take three months to complete as is, and if they keep delaying it we’ll have nothing to show for Mitchell Parks’ first year in office.” He stepped closer to her and she nodded. “I’m sure it’s a bluff, it’s just a bullshit bluff because nothing else they’re doing is working.”

“I don’t understand why they’re fighting it so much.” Phee grumbled against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Because they don’t want to pay to fix what doesn’t affect them. Most of these downtowners have never even been to the southern district of the city, and so they don’t want to spend any of their tax dollars ‘fixing other people’s problems’, or at least that’s what they keep shouting in front of the news cameras.” He pressed a kiss to her hair, “It’s okay though, it will just take time for them to come around.”

“They’ll never come around, Bryant. I’ve been telling you and Parks from day one, they only understand one thing. Brute strength. If we don’t make a show of power then they’re never going to back down. Just have Parks give me permission to take my soldiers after them, we’ll destroy them and no one will ever -”

“No. For the last time, Easton, no. We will not follow in the Cabal Of Freedom’s footsteps, rounding up and killing anyone who disagrees with us. They have a right to complain on television if they want to, they have a right to accuse us of misusing funds by funneling them to the southern districts, and as much as I hate it they even have a right to argue about how they liked the COF better.” Bryant sighed against her as Easton huffed out a bitter laugh from the couch.

“Do they have a right to kidnap your fiancé, Holbrook?” Easton asked it in a mocking tone and Regan shoved his shoulder. She was snuggled up next to him now, and it was still sometimes weird for Phee to see the two of them together. Supposedly they loved each other, but then again they were both so loud and brash that maybe they were the only options for the other. At the moment though, Regan didn’t look so cuddly. She looked like she was about to smack Danny Easton across the face.

“No one is getting near Phee.” Bryant’s voice was hard, and it made her feel safe to have his arms around her as he promised to protect her, regardless of his earlier comments.

“Damn right they’re not, because you’re going to come with me and let me take you two to a safe house. I can show you the intel I got early this morning and maybe get it through your thick skull about how serious these COF-rebirth people are.” Easton had that trademark growl to his voice, peppering his comments with vitriolic undertones, but it was just because he cared. He was a bastard, but he really did care about them and in that instant – when his mouth was shut – Phee could see what Regan liked about him.

“I can’t just disappear, I have a job to do, I have -”

“A threat against you and Phee. That is what you have, Bryant, and that’s what needs to be priority number one.” He sighed, “After all, I saw the press conference from last night, and she really -”

“That’s over and done with, Easton. Phee and I addressed it last night, and she knows it was wrong of her to react the way she did and she doesn’t plan on it happening ever again.” Bryant shifted to face the couch, but he kept his arm around her waist.

“Ah, is that why there’s a crop and a flogger on the floor behind the sofa?” Easton grinned and waggled his eyebrows, and Phee felt a blush rush up her cheeks. Regan laughed and looked over the back of the couch, her laughter just getting louder as she saw the implements on the floor. “Based on Phee’s face, I think I hit the nail on the head, but regardless you both need to come with me to a safe house. Especially if you’re not planning on cancelling the improvements, Holbrook.”

“I’m not letting them scare me, Easton.” Bryant said it sternly, and Easton just rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just pack a fucking bag, okay?”

I hope you loved this little sneak peek, and I really hope you grab a copy of the book to find out what happens with Phee and Bryant!

Much love to all of you, and since I’m participating in the WIP Wednesday blog hop today, check out these other awesome authors while you’re at it. ^_^

Saturday Spanks! Excerpt from ‘Of Fog and Fire’!

The most recent anthology from the Erotic Collective came out this week and it features my new story ‘Of Fog and Fire’! Twist is an exciting anthology full of some of my very favorite authors and each story is erotic, romantic, and has a delicious little twist in it to keep you on your toes. Definitely check out the links below the excerpt!

This post is for Saturday Spanks and so in honor of the theme we get to see Phee get put over Bryant’s lap, and who wouldn’t want to be dragged over Bryant Holbrook’s lap? Purrr…

“I’m going to spank you until I think you’ve got some manners, alright?” Bryant’s voice was a low growl as his hand traced over her skin, a firm squeeze of one of her cheeks before he continued down her thighs. He was so strong, she could feel it in the way his other arm held her around her waist. This was going to hurt, and in her mind she could feel the riptide tugging at her, wanting to drag her towards the whirlpool that was Bryant Holbrook. All that charm, all that power. She knew inside that whatever he had planned was going to hurt in all the best ways.

“Alright, Bryant.” Phee panted out the words, heat running under her skin, and then the first sting of his palm colliding with her skin had her tensing. But he didn’t stop with one, he continued, each spank raining down across her ass until the stinging heat had her whimpering and squirming.

There’s pleeennttyyy more to this scene, but this bloghop is all about brevity and hotness! Grab the full anthology for ONLY 99 CENTS this weekend and enjoy!

Twist_3D_clean    Available now on Amazon!

US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XLQ9268/

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00XLQ9268/

CAN: http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00XLQ9268/

Check out the other amazing little spanking snippets from these authors below!

WIP Wednesday – Extra for “The Rite”

Look at that! I remembered to sign up for WIP Wednesday this week! I’ve been so crazy with the release of The Thalia Series (and writing chapter two of The Wild Ones, which is now up on Literotica if you’re curious) that I kept forgetting to actually participate in this. Mostly because I’m a nutcase when I get drawn into things and if there’s not a reminder in my phone, it doesn’t happen. This week, I remembered! Gold star for me!

I’m releasing the individual publication of ‘The Rite’ this month from the ‘Darker Side of Love’ anthology. Whenever I release one of these anthology pieces I always try to give the readers a little extra and this one is something I really think fans of Heather and ‘The Rite’ will enjoy. It takes place six months after the end of the story, and… let’s just say Heather isn’t handling her magic very well.

The sound of chain moving in the bedroom sent a chill down Heather’s back as she fought to sit still on the couch. She was way too wound up for a Sunday. Rick had needed to paus the sci-fi movie they were watching after her insistent rubbing against him had resulted in a hard-on, wet panties, and ended with neither of them paying attention anyway.

Now he was in the bedroom doing something delightful with chain, and Heather couldn’t slow down her pulse as her mind filled with a hundred things he might do to her. The buzz in her skin crackled when she heard the unmistakable thump of a wooden paddle being dropped on the hardwood floors. A paddle. Fuck. That turned her on even further. The hair on her arms stood up and she shivered – then it hit her. This was not a normal buzz in her skin.

Nope, that crackle was the magic.

The stilled image on the television screen warbled like an old-school antenna signal, and the acrid smell of magic filled the air moments before the wine glasses on the coffee table started to rattle.

Shit, shit, shit.

“Okay, breathe, Heather. Count.” Heather closed her eyes and folded her legs on the couch so she could focus, meditate, and stem the power that was steadily building inside her. It had been eight months since Nate, and Herja, and the Pritchett family’s catastrophic plummet back to mere mortal status. Heather had been stranded as the only witch she knew, and it… wasn’t going smoothly. She took a deep breath, “One, two, three, four –”

POP. The light bulb in the lamp next to her exploded and she let out a yelp of surprise. Her hair felt like it was standing on end, and she looked down to see the couch levitating – again.

“DAMMIT!” She screamed and Rick came running from the bedroom in only his boxers, which were tented in front of him with an erection she’d much rather have inside her. His eyes widened for a moment, and then she watched as he calmed himself like he had so many times before. He was always careful not to freak out or shout, well, he had been ever since the time she’d turned a chair into kindling.

“Heather, breathe, and put the couch down. Gently this time.” His voice was hard and commanding, and it filled her with a warm flood of pleasure that balanced the chaos of the magic inside her. She nodded, focusing on the command, and closed her eyes again, breathing in slowly through her nose and out through her mouth. Heather worked on centering herself, but just as she felt the magic starting to calm down his voice broke through her meditation, “Pretty girl, if you break that trophy I’m going to strap your ass until you can’t sit down for a week.”

Her eyes snapped open to see one of his baseball trophies, which usually sat on the mantle, floating up and away from it. In her panic to avoid dropping it she threw her magic at keeping it afloat and the rest of the room crashed back into place. Even as the couch slammed into the floor, and both glasses fell over to spill red wine all over the rug underneath, she was able to keep the trophy suspended in the air. She winced as the rattle of the room settled into silence.

Perfect, she’d ruined their evening. Again.

The extra for this book follows Heather and Rick as she tries to get her magic under control, and (of course) has some delicious fun times with our sexy man Rick who I felt didn’t get near enough time in the anthology story.

I really hope you’ll check it out when it goes live, just keep checking back on my blog for updates!

You should also check out the other awesome blog-hoppers for this WIP Wednesday below, I know there’s some hotness going on.

WIP Wednesday – The Wild Ones

I write on a site called Literotica, it’s where I started the Thalia series and it’s where I met my editor and my amazing author friends. When I took down the Thalia series to publish on Amazon I knew I wanted to start a new story and this one had been rattling around in my head for a few months. It’s called “The Wild Ones” and this is the prologue that explains the world the two main characters exist in (not shown in this excerpt) and how they got to where they are. There’s no sexy bits in this one (sorry!) but there is in the full chapter if you’d like to check it out.

The link to the full story is here if you’d like to read it! Please leave a comment on Lit if you do, and rate the story as well! More chapters will come out over time.

Now without further ado, here you go!

Willem rapped on the office door and creaked it open, “Sir? May I come in?”

The Chancellor sat slumped in his chair in front of the fire. The flames were the only source of light, which cast the tone of the room even darker than the news Willem had been burdened to bring. The Chancellor’s voice rumbled from his seat, “Of course, Willem. Of course you may.”

Willem walked slowly towards the man noting that an amber colored liquid filled his glass, and it was tilted dangerously towards the floor. Clearly, it was not the Chancellor’s first glass of the evening. “If this is not a good time, sir, I could return in the morning. I know it’s late.”

“Nonsense. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important and the morning won’t make the news any brighter, tell me what you came to tell me.” The Chancellor pulled himself up in the seat, his back straightening, but his dark brown eyes were watery as he gestured to the other chair in front of the fire.

“Yes, sir. I’m afraid the news… isn’t good.” Willem sat on the edge of the seat, fighting the urge to pace as the nervous energy made him want to move. He didn’t want to give this report. He wanted to be back home, with his family – watching his children.

“What’s the count, Willem?”

“Over 2800, sir. All children. The oldest reported so far was fourteen.” Willem felt his stomach tighten, but he made himself press forward. “None of the doctors have been able to do anything, as soon as they begin to show signs -“

“- it’s a matter of days.” The Chancellor finished. Willem was surprised for a moment, and then felt relieved that perhaps someone else had already broken the news, and Willem would not be its sole bearer. Then the man continued, a bitter laugh rumbling in his chest, “Abigail has it.”

“Sir…” Willem winced. The Chancellor’s only grandchild, Abigail, would soon be added to the count. There had been no survivors. What words of comfort could he provide the man? None. There were no words.

Guiltily, Willem could only think of his own children, still healthy, sleeping at home. He fought the urge to cross his fingers, to buy rose oil to pour over the feet of the statue of the goddess Mirel on the way home. Anything to ward off this curse from his house.

As if suddenly reanimated the Chancellor spoke again, his eyes finding Willem’s, “Two days ago she was in the garden. She tripped and fell, and she told her mother that her feet felt funny. Her toes were already blue, her fingernails too. In hours it was her lips. Then came the confusion, the muscle weakness. The doctor tells us it will be less than a week.”

“I am sorry, sir.” Willem cleared his throat, and the Chancellor pushed out of the chair to refill his glass and pour a second, which Willem gladly accepted. With the fire of the liquid in his chest, he made himself continue the report he’d been tasked to give. “Our Central Health Office has scientists working around the clock, sir, but the CHO have been unable to find a cure.”

“The doctor told us this as well.” The Chancellor drooped in the chair, the illusory weight on his shoulders seeming to compress his frame. “Do they even know how they’re contracting it?”

Willem took another gulp of the fiery drink, “They’re not contracting it, sir.” The Chancellor’s eyes found his again, rimmed in despair and confusion at the senseless death of so many innocents. Willem had spent the last several hours trying to understand in what cruel twist of fate their world could have survived the plague centuries before, how they could have rebuilt a civilization out of the wreckage, only to lose everything in the most terrible manner possible.

“Then what is it?!” The Chancellor hissed, his anger surfacing in his grief.

“The head of the CHO says that it’s not a disease, sir, it’s genetic. As far as they can tell, there is no way to repair it. No technology to correct it, no medical way to intervene and stop it. They have been reviewing medical records as fast as possible, and the current number may climb even higher if what they believe is true.”

“Which is?”

“That this isn’t as new as it seems. There have been unexplained deaths like this over the last fifty years, but on a much smaller scale. Children, usually very young, dying inexplicably from a sudden weakness.” Willem finished off his glass, understanding the Chancellor’s urge to burn away the pain; he wished he could drink away the rest of the news he came to deliver. “They’ve identified it as a gene that’s passed on. At this point, the head of the CHO says that eighty-five, maybe even ninety percent, of the population are carriers. What he explained to us earlier today is that we have reached a critical point as a people, that unless we can introduce new genetic material into the gene pool – we will die out. There will be no future generations. Anyone of the youngest generation to survive this will only have a statistically higher likelihood of having children with the same results. They’re still trying to identify it, but they’re calling it EX-00, or the extinction gene.”

The Chancellor shook his head, turning to stare into the fire, “So, after the centuries we have spent dragging ourselves out of the darkness, after all the effort it took us to build these great cities, to protect ourselves from the plague that almost destroyed our ancestors – we are to die anyway?” He took a drink before rubbing a hand across his face. “We held back the darkness with a candle flame. So few of us survived the plague, and even then it was the miracle of Kant Royel’s discovery of the cure that saved us, the survivors. That gave us a fire to huddle around, to rebuild around, and we did! We did, dammit!”

He slammed his palm down on the arm of the chair and Willem nodded. The Great Discovery, they called it. The cure that came just before the people of the world would have been snuffed out. The vaccine had become a saving grace, the cities they had claimed and rebuilt with tall white walls had kept them safe from wildlife, and they had grown. Flourished. The cure had been passed using old radios to other fledgling communities – it had been the light in the darkness that saved them all from the abyss.

And yet, here they were, facing oblivion again.

“We have built a society of grace and elegance atop the dust of the bones of millions, I guess it is only fitting that in the end we join them. The ones whose lives paved the way for us to see a few more centuries of life.” The Chancellor leaned back in his seat, and Willem swallowed the bile in his throat.

“That’s not all that was discussed at the meeting, sir.” Willem watched the Chancellor’s head lift. “There was a suggestion, an idea, and the head of the CHO felt it was the only recourse if we want to survive. The only thing that -“

“Out with it, Willem.”

“The wild ones, sir. They’re the answer.” Willem mumbled it, and the Chancellor laughed low under his breath.

“That old story? Really? A fairy tale is what will save us from annihilation?” He shook his head, “Don’t be ridiculous, Willem. The wild ones are a myth. No one survived outside of the cities, there was no natural immunity to the plague -“

“General Atunius says they think they have found them, sir.”

“The wild ones.”

“Yes, sir.”

The wild ones. As in, the people who survived without the cure, who never joined any of the cities?” The Chancellor shifted forward, the intensity in his gaze was the first inkling of the strong man who led their people that Willem had seen all night.

“Yes, sir.”

“Ridiculous. Where have they been living? How have none of our scouts encountered them? How have none of the scouting missions from any of the great cities found them before now? How have they survived?”

“The Southern forests. They’re large on an impossible scale, sir. General Atunius says that even with the years of scouting missions, that they’d barely touched the outer fringes of the Southern forests. It was a complete accident that a scout saw smoke from one of their fires and followed it. General Atunius knows where they are.” Willem took a deep breath, “We have to go in, and – and get them, sir.”

“And get them?” The Chancellor’s brows pulled together, his thumb tracing the lip of his glass, “And do what, Willem?”

Willem didn’t want to say it out loud. Of all the horrific news of the day that they had tasked him with delivering this to the leader of their great city, the largest of the great cities, Mirelia, this was the worst of it. They were the white city. Named after the goddess of healing and medicine.

And what would they be known for after this?

“We need to – we need to add their genetic material to our own. To – to breed with them. To produce children who won’t have two parents carrying the gene.” Willem dropped his eyes to the floor, staring at the dark shoes of the Chancellor. “It’s either this or die out.”

“So the plan from my greatest advisers, from the head of the Central Health Office, the head of my military, and from you, my own personal adviser, is to send out an army to capture a free group of people who have survived against all odds, and, what, – subjugate them?” The Chancellor stood up and walked away from the fire, slamming the glass down on his desk hard enough to slosh some of the liquor out onto the wood. “You really think they would just acquiesce? That they would come to our great city and happily forsake everything they know so that we can force them to give us children? To save us while we rip them from their lives and force them into our beds?”

“No one expects them to come willingly, sir.” Willem spoke quietly. He was staring at the Chancellor, and the man wasn’t wavering. He was strong, commanding, a decisive leader. He was why Willem had signed up to work for the government. It was why when he had been given the opportunity to be an assistant to the Chancellor six years before… it had been the greatest moment of his life. To be invited into the confidence of such a great man, to be trusted to sit in his office and speak to him – it had once been an impossible dream.

Tonight, it was more like a nightmare.

Willem felt as if all of the beauty of their society, of all of their great cities, was being slowly covered by a dark shadow. The seeping darkness spreading across the lands of Dorasia, and the fount of it, the source, was this very office. At this very moment in time – and their hands would never be clean of it.

“And the head of the CHO says this is the only solution?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And General Atunius says he knows where they are? That he can bring them to the city?” The Chancellor was staring at the wall, not even glancing at Willem as he spoke.

“Yes, sir. He’s been sending scouting parties and they are quite primitive. What we thought were legends must have been true – they survived. They have no real weapons, they seem to live in the trees and in small villages amongst them.”

“You know that no one will ever forgive us for this, don’t you, Willem?” The Chancellor had picked up a small frame from his desk, and Willem knew without looking that it held a picture of Abigail.

“I know, sir.”

“I think for this conversation you should call me, Arthur. Don’t you, Willem?” Arthur Perlen, the Chancellor of Mirelia, leader of the great white city of Dorasia, wouldn’t even lift his head as he stared down at the small picture. If Willem had thought the man looked burdened before, it was nothing to now.

“Of course, Arthur. You have our advice, what do you decide?” Willem clutched the glass in his hand, and watched as the firelight lit up the Chancellor’s profile.

“Go get the wild ones. Bring them back.” Arthur Perlen slammed the last of his drink, “And may the gods forgive us.”

Yeeessshhh, I loved this scene in my head. I do hope you’ll check out the rest of the chapter, and maybe more of my work! The rest of the amazing bloghoppers are below, so I hope you check them out as well.