Mar 2, 2016 | Bloghop |

We’re back for another #WIPITUP Wednesday, and we’re checking in with Megan, Eric, and Colby to see what kind of trouble they’re getting in to after they snuck away from their 10-year high school reunion to have some private time in wood shop. After a particularly devious punishment, Colby reveals he has more ideas for what they can do with Megan.
“How are you doing?” Eric slipped up beside her and his voice was a quiet rumble close to her ear that sent a shiver over her. His hand joined hers in moving over the marks on her skin when she turned to look at him.
“I’m okay, but you are a lot more… intense.”
His dark eyes ran over her bare back and her ass before returning to meet her gaze. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
She swallowed, pushing down her nerves and the trickle of old emotions that tried to surface as he looked at her with that same powerful stare he’d first captured her with. “I think it’s good.”
“You’d tell me if we were playing too rough, right?” The concern that flickered over his features made her heart leap before she snagged it and mentally tied it back down in her chest.
No. This was just fun. She was not going to fall for him all over again.
They were just having fun.
“I promise, you’d know if I wasn’t okay with it. I’d be a hell of a lot less well behaved,” she grinned before she added with a wink, “…sir.”
“Good girl.” Eric pinched one of the welts hard and she yelped, lifting onto her toes as she tried to squirm away from the zing of pain. “Now, I think Colby told you to get up on the workbench, didn’t he?”
“Yes, sir!” Megan gave a fake salute and hopped up onto the wooden surface, wincing when her tender skin made contact. Eric didn’t miss the sarcastic response and he bent her back with a hand in her hair, forcing her to lie back as she hissed air between her teeth.
“We may want to tie her up for this, too.” Colby held up a wide, lit candle and her mouth dropped open.
“Good idea, you do her hands.” Eric grinned as he released her and moved to renew the ropes at her ankles, spreading her legs to the edges of the workbench.
“Could you hold this for me, Megster?” Colby set the candle on her stomach, just below her breasts, and she immediately grabbed for it to steady it. He laughed and took her free hand to begin wrapping her wrist in gauze. “I think you’d better figure out how to keep it steady without that hand, because as soon as I’m done here, I’m tying that one up too.”
“Jerk.” She mumbled, and Eric landed a hard spank on her pussy that made her jump and she almost spilled the wax on her skin. “Hey!”
“Tsk, tsk… you’re going to want to hold still better than that, Megan.” He smiled deviously and she groaned as she dropped her head back against the wood. A moment later Colby was reaching for her wrist and she held her breath, balancing the wide candle as best as she could as he moved her wrists above her head. Her pulse was making the candle jump and she forced herself to take little sips of breath in an effort to keep the hot wax from spilling – which was pointless. There was only one reason Colby had stolen the candle from one of the tables at the party, and only one reason he had lit it… and it wasn’t for mood lighting.
“Now, this is a very pretty sight.” Colby stood to her side and Eric stepped up next to him, both of their eyes moving over her body spread out on the workbench. A blush flushed her skin, but it didn’t keep her from taking in the deep V just above Colby’s boxer briefs or the broad strength of Eric’s chest and shoulders. It was incredible that they both still looked so hot. Why couldn’t they have at least added a few pounds in the decade they’d been apart? Eric had filled out from the young boy she had known into a tall, powerful man. Colby had always been able to build muscle no matter what he ate, but she was sure the personal training had a lot to do with just how ridiculously hot he looked. They smiled at each other and she groaned.
“You two are fucking trouble.”
“Language, Megan.” Eric growled.
Is it too early to make a Christmas list? Because these two are definitely on mine. If you feel the same way, you can snag a copy of the full story (and the 10k+ word extra I added to the end) for FREE on Kindle Unlimited, or just 99 cents for a 1-click! It’s available on Amazon, here. In the mean time, check out these other hot snippets from other authors on the blog hop below!
Feb 27, 2016 | Bloghop |

Why, hello, lovelies! This week we’re visiting our friend Megan and those two sexy doms who showed up at her high school reunion in my latest release ‘Reunited’. If you’ve been following along in the blog hops, you know Megan agreed to play ‘consequences’ with Eric and Colby. Now she’s tied over a work table in their old wood shop classroom, and she was just belted by Eric, but he’s also teaching Colby how to use it properly. Doesn’t he share nicely? Let’s see.
“Please what, Megan? You want Colby to use the belt? Is that what you want?” Eric’s voice was taunting, and someone’s hand slid between her thighs. She was soaking wet as fingers spread her open and traced down the slick slit of her pussy. “You can’t pretend you don’t like this, Megan. You’re as wet as you ever were when I used to catch you in the forest and pin you to the ground. Do you remember that, Megan? When I would grab you and throw you to the ground, yank your shorts off and push your legs apart to take you?”
“Fuck, yes! Please?!” Megan couldn’t focus. Not with Eric’s fingers teasing her by dipping in and out of her wetness, and not with the onslaught of memories he was bringing up. How many nights had she touched herself remembering how Eric would cover her mouth to keep her quiet with his first thrust inside her? How often had she remembered the way his fingers would bruise her hips and thighs – and dreamed of having it again?
“Then you’re going to be a good girl, aren’t you? You’re going to stay still for Colby?” Eric’s fingers abandoned her, but she watched as his dress shoes came around to the front of the table and she lifted herself so she could look up at him. “Answer me.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Hold it like I showed you, and just try to land the belt evenly.” Eric was speaking to Colby, and then he cupped her chin. “I’m going to fuck your mouth, Megan, and you’re going to take it while keeping your heels on the floor.”
“You going to behave for us, Meg?” This time it was Colby’s hand between her thighs and she squirmed as he slid one finger inside her. She craved more, and wanted to beg for more, but Eric was unbuttoning his pants.
“Yes, sir – sirs! Please, I just want to -”
“Come?” Colby asked.
I never get tired of the hotness in this book! Definitely one of my favorites, and it’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited or only 99 cents for a 1-click! Check it out here: Reunited Now, while you’re waiting for it to download so you can skip ahead to even MORE juicy scenes, check out the other hot snippets on the #SatSpanks blog hop below!
Feb 24, 2016 | Bloghop |

We’re back for another WIP Wednesday, although this book JUST came out and I’m so excited to share this particularly hot, and very important, scene for my latest ménage erotica release ‘Reunited’. When we last left our delightful crew of characters, Colby and Eric had Megan pressed up against the lockers in the halls of their old alma mater the night of their 10-year high school reunion. They’ve been teasing her, and then Eric let it slip that he may have shared more with Colby about Megan’s high school relationship with him than she thought. Let’s see what happens!
“You told Colby about our games, Eric?”
She met Eric’s dark eyes and he smiled at her slowly, one of his thighs shifting to the inside of hers to pull her legs farther apart. “Are you asking if I’ve told him that I used to chase you through the woods, and if I caught you I got to do what I wanted with you?”
“Eric!” She groaned, wondering what Colby was thinking of her, which was a little ridiculous considering his hand had just slipped beneath the bottom of her dress and his fingertips were beginning to trace her pussy through her panties. Megan felt the burning heat of a blush scald her cheeks, and she wanted to beg Eric to stop talking but her pride wouldn’t buckle.
“I don’t think that’s a good game for tonight, Eric. She’s in heels, not very fair even if we chase her in here.”
“True. Which game do you think we should play, Megan?” His eyes were locked on hers and she found that she couldn’t break the contact to even glance at Colby. Even when Colby ran a finger up the cleft of her pussy, confirming she was soaking wet, all she managed was a whimper. The edge of Eric’s mouth lifted in the cocky smile that had turned her knees to jelly when she was a teenager. “Consequences?”
Megan closed her eyes tight, biting her lip against the moan that seemed to rush up from where Colby’s touch was getting increasingly more insistent, sending pleasurable tremors through her legs.
“What’s that one?” He asked calmly, as if he were innocent in this little tryst.
“Consequences was the game where I gave her rules, and every time she broke one I got to punish her. I used to spank her.” Eric answered, and she almost laughed when she remembered how panicked she used to be at the threat of a spanking. Her eyes opened to find him staring at her.
“If all you’re threatening me with tonight is a spanking, Eric, bring it on.” Megan shocked herself when she realized she’d said it out loud, but she loved the way his eyes widened and his hand tightened in her hair. She’d surprised him too.
“I knew it. You have played since you ran off to college and left me behind.” There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice that made her heart ache before she remembered that they had both chosen different colleges.
“You’re kidding, right? I wasn’t the only one that left for college, Eric, but if you thought I’d never play with anyone else you were wrong.”
“Oh, Megster…” he shook his head for a second and then his dark eyes lifted to hers again. “I’ve been praying for weeks that I’d see you here, that you wouldn’t have a ring on your finger, and that you’d still be down to play our games.”
“Are you going to actually ask me if I still want to play?” She smiled.
“I would personally like to hear the answer to that question,” Colby piped up and she glanced at him for a moment, realizing he had pulled back a bit, before returning her eyes to Eric. He was the one that had pulled them all together, and it was him making the decision on whether or not they all moved forward because they were just a few steps from falling down a veritable rabbit hole into something she’d never done before.
“Going to make me say it, Megster?” Eric stepped fully in front of her, looming over her in the empty hall. She nodded against the hand in her hair and he smiled slowly. “Do you want to play tonight?”
“With both of you?” Her breath caught in her chest as his body brushed against hers through the thin dress.
“If you think you can handle it.” Eric’s grin was deviant.
Oh. My. God. I have loved this scene since I first wrote it, and there’s nothing that sums up this book better! Hot, dominant ex-boyfriend who wants her back. Playful, sexy friend who wants to join in and explore. Feisty, submissive woman who is more than ready to handle what they dish out. Looking for more? It’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited or only 99-cents for this hot, fantasy-fueled ménage erotica! 1-click away, lovelies!
Grab a copy: Reunited
While you’re waiting for it to appear on your Kindle/phone/etc. make sure you check out the other hot snippets from other authors on the blog hop!
Feb 20, 2016 | Bloghop |

Well, hello again, lovelies! We’re back for another #SatSpanks Blog Hop with my latest book ‘Reunited’ which should be live any minute on Amazon! If you’ve been following along you know that Colby and Eric were heating things up on the dance floor with Megan at their 10-year high school reunion. Now they’ve slipped away from the dance to have some private time in the halls of their old alma mater.
Colby spoke quietly, “I don’t know how many times we told Eric off for keeping you all to himself, but, ha!” He smirked at Eric. “Did you hear that, man? She did look at me. You were not the center of her universe!”
“I never thought I was the center of her universe, but I wasn’t very good at sharing back then.” Eric grinned, and it was that charming, dimpled smile that made him look impossibly handsome. “However, Megan liked me keeping her all to myself. She always liked me taking control.” He stepped forward and slid his hand into her hair. His fist tightened slowly, the strain increasing until little tingles of electricity rushed down her back, and then he suddenly pushed her back hard against the lockers. The metal popped behind her, and she couldn’t deny the way she felt. She wanted him to take charge, she wanted him to tighten the grip on her hair a little more, she wanted him – “I’m not sure if she still likes it though. What do you think, Colby?”
She was speechless as Colby leaned on the lockers next to her. His hand landed on her waist, trailed slowly over her stomach, and then glided down. “I’m not sure, let’s see if Megster still likes someone else in control.”
Ahem. Two hot, dominant men? Pardon me while I fan myself. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the cover! It’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited or only 99-cents for this hot, fantasy-fueled ménage erotica! 1-click away, lovelies!
Grab a copy: Reunited

Keep checking back for more hotness from this release! Don’t bother cooling down yet though, there’s still a lot more snippets from other authors on the blog hop below!
Feb 17, 2016 | Bloghop |

Hello, lovelies! Tonight we’re back on the dance floor with not one, but two dominants in my current menage erotica WIP ‘Reunited’. In the scene that started on the #SatSpanks blog hop (here), Megan smacked her dominant high school boyfriend on the shoulder when he made a silly joke. He responded by spinning her around and pulling her arm behind her back to hold her still. Out of breath and very turned on, we pick up the scene to see what happens.
“Do you want me to let go?” Eric’s grip tightened slightly and a barely audible moan slipped from her before she bit down on her lip. The blush in her cheeks spread, and she felt like the whole dance floor had to know what was going on. It had to be obvious they weren’t just dancing, and she’d always been terrible at keeping her face straight. All it would take was one person glancing over, just one person noticing the vice-like grip he had on her wrist, or the way he lifted her arm just a little higher so her body angled back against his in an effort to ease it. Her anxiety crashed into the arousal humming under her skin, because Eric had been the first guy she’d ever really wanted – the first guy she’d played even the tiniest bit rough with. He’d been the one to make her crave it, to crave more, but it was something she’d never been open about outside of a few relationships.
“I’ll keep YOU my dirty, little secret!” Colby appeared in front of her, singing at an obscene volume, and Eric instantly released her wrist as Colby continued dancing like some extra from Magic Mike. As he rolled his hips and leaned back pulling up his shirt to expose a carved set of abs, the women to their right exploded into cheers and hollers. “My turn, Megster! Dance with me!”
“You seem to be doing a good job all on your own, Col-” Megan was trying to get her hormones under control when he reached forward and pulled her towards him, effectively cutting her off. More hard muscle under her hands as she caught herself against him, and she couldn’t help but feel an inward cheer when the women next to her looked on in envy. He dropped down in front of her and then ran his hands up the backs of her calves, the outsides of her thighs, her hips, her waist, and then he was lifting her arms over her head as the music started to change. Colby stepped closer to her, his body barely an inch from hers as those blue eyes locked onto her own, with that manic grin still plastered across his face.
A downbeat, and then the music was slower, a dark, thumping beat that Colby didn’t fail to catch with each movement of his body. “Come on, Megster.” His hands caught her waist and he pulled her tight against him, his thigh finding a nesting place between her own, successfully nudging the hem of her dress a little higher. She was about to pull back when his fingers traced along her cheek. “I have to say… whoever your ex-husband is, he was an idiot not to notice how gorgeous you are.”
Against all logic after the events of the evening so far, Megan’s heart rate increased even further. First, there had been Eric’s kiss, then he’d teased her with the dominance she had all but convinced herself she had imagined in high school, and now Colby Warren, the playboy of Whittaker High, was calling her gorgeous. She had stepped through the looking glass, been sucked into some Matrix-like alternate reality, or fallen on the way in and cracked her skull open and she was actually in a hospital somewhere, because this – this couldn’t be happening to her.
Why can’t all high school reunions be this hot? Trust me, lovelies, there’s a lot more where this came from. Colby and Eric are just warming up with Megan and we have plenty more hot tidbits to read in the coming weeks for #WIP Wednesday and #SatSpanks! Also, in case you haven’t heard, I signed a contract with Blushing Books for my next book ‘Taken by the Enemy’! Release date is March 26th! Until it arrives, check out these other hot snippets below:
Feb 13, 2016 | Bloghop |

Well, hello, lovelies! It’s time for another Saturday Spankings blog hop! We’re back on the dance floor with my current menage erotica work in progress ‘Reunited’. Megan and her ex-high school boyfriend, Eric, are at her 10 year high school reunion. (if you want to catch up from #WIP Wednesday, click here) They’ve been watching their friend Colby dancing like an extra from Magic Mike, showing off his delicious abs, but then Megan brings out Eric’s dominant side when he cracks a joke about the fake jobs they had told each other earlier in the story.
“He’s got no shame,” Eric laughed and spoke directly into her ear. His breath against her cheek sent a shiver over her skin.
“Did Colby ever have shame? I think he was born without that functional part of the brain.”
“Well, I was a brain surgeon for a while… I could check.” He was grinning when she leaned back from him and slapped his shoulder. In a flash his hand was around her wrist and he’d flipped her around so she was against his chest – but now he had her arm pulled slightly up behind her back. Somehow he managed to keep dancing, his other hand keeping her hips in beat with him as he restrained her with ease. A memory of him pinning her to the narrow bed she’d had in her parents’ house emerged and a frisson of heat pulsed down her spine to nestle itself between her thighs. “Now, that wasn’t very nice, Megan.”
Her mouth went dry as his voice purred out her full name and she was ninety-percent sure that the hard press against her back wasn’t something in his pocket. She felt seventeen again, excited and unsure about what to do next. She tried to swallow to regain her voice, but all she managed was a breathy, “Eric?”
“Do you want me to let go?”
Purrrr, I know I don’t want him to let go! He’s hot! This scene isn’t quite done yet because I have a feeling Colby is just about to cut in. Come back on Wednesday for the continuation of this scene! In the mean time, check out all of the other lovely authors on the #SatSpanks blog hop below!