Mar 30, 2016 | Bloghop |

Oh, lovelies! We’re back with another action packed snippet from my upcoming release ‘Lethal Sin’ which will go out FREE to all of my newsletter subscribers! So, if you haven’t signed up yet, now might be a great time. Especially if you want to know what happens with Camille and Mateo! In this scene, Camille had been grabbed by a member of an opposing criminal organization, and when the first henchman couldn’t get the information they wanted from her they called in Mateo, head badass assassin. Mateo doesn’t quite know what he’s dealing with yet, but I think Camille is about to give him a good idea.
“I assure you… you do not want to fight me.”
“I’m zip-tied to a chair. If you think this is a fair fight you’re as dumb as the first little henchman.” Camille leaned forward, increasing the strain on her hair as her lips came dangerously close to Mateo’s. “Why don’t you untie me and let’s see how this goes?”
He held her gaze for a moment, not moving back an inch, and for an instant she imagined him kissing her – then the click of a knife opening next to her ear made her muscles jump. Mateo smiled slowly at her reaction and then he leaned back to trail the point of the knife from the hollow in her throat down between her breasts until it met the neckline of her shirt. Camille swallowed as he spared her clothes and glided the knife point down her body, snagging the tights on her thigh, and then she heard the snip as the zip tie to her ankle was cut. Mateo wasn’t an idiot, unfortunately, and he dropped his knee onto her leg to keep her pinned to the chair. Leaning across her he snipped the other side and then he stood up completely, moving quick to be out of range of her boots while he stepped behind her. His breath landed on one side of her neck, a hot rush over her skin, and then the cool metal of the blade settled on the other side. “Really think you can take me?”
“Only one way to find out,” Camille answered softly, doing her best not to make her throat move too much against the sharp bite of the knife.
“Alright.” Mateo moved fast, cutting through the zip-ties at her wrists in a flash, and she pulled her arms in front of her, clenching her teeth against the urge to groan as feeling returned to her fingers and her shoulders argued. That was all the breathing space she got before the chair was literally yanked from under her. Camille caught her balance just in time to turn her fall into a roll instead of landing flat on her ass. She popped up a few feet away, but Mateo was already stalking towards her, knife in hand.
Shit. He was not playing fair.
She took measured steps backward, her eyes flicking between him and the rest of the room. On the floor by the table she saw her small, black purse. Was Mr. Not-So-Lucky really dumb enough not to take her gun?
When her eyes flicked back to Mateo he was dangerously close and so she faked to the left and his body twitched in that direction just enough for her to dash to the right, sliding under the table to grab her purse. He was almost on top of her by the time she shoved herself out the other side, forcing him to go around it. Flipping the snap on it she internally cheered as she grabbed the gun – henchman number one really was a fuck up.
The cool grip settled into her hand like an old friend, and then Mateo was on her. She blocked his first attack with her forearms, the force of it making her teeth rattle. Bringing her knee up hard into his ribs she growled with the effort she put behind it, but he felt like hitting a solid wall.
He barely grunted and brought the knife forward again, but she was able to knock his arm back again and threw the purse so it was out of her hands. He kicked out at her leg as she rolled inward, but he missed and she was able to bring her elbow back into his kidney. He grunted a little harder that time, but the solid muscle of his torso was doing more than just making him look good, it was protecting him.
Camille flipped the safety off the gun, but was forced to side-step him completely as he tried to wrap an arm around her. Turning on her heel she aimed at his chest, but he knocked her arm out of the way and thrust with the knife. She returned the favor, bringing her arm down hard on his to ruin his attempt to gut her. In the second it took him to lift his arm again, she brought her leg up and kicked him hard in the solar plexus. The force of it knocked her back slightly and she went with it, back peddling to get some space between them.
Dammit. He was strong, big, and knew what the fuck he was doing. Terrible combination for someone who was five-foot four and a hundred and twenty pounds. Mateo was the kind of guy she would have taken out from afar, or by surprise with a shot to the back of the head. She would never have attempted a one-on-one fight with him.
Only one way to make sure he didn’t get a good hit in.
She lifted the gun – and fired.
Writing this book has been such a rush and I hope you’ll all be just as excited reading it! It’s this energetic all the way til the end.
Just a side note, my latest release from Blushing Books ‘Taken by the Enemy‘ went live last weekend and the next day hit #1 in all three categories on Amazon to be a best-seller! Everyone is extremely excited, especially me, and if you haven’t had a chance to grab a copy, here are the links: Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Blushing Books
ALSO! My book ‘Security Binds Her‘ will be going out on the US BookBub tomorrow! This is after Amazon screwed up the last one, but we’ve arranged it so nothing can possibly get messed up this time. The book will be out for just 99 cents, so if you haven’t dived into the dark, intense Thalia series here’s your chance! (just make sure you’re signed up for BookBub’s dark erotica list to receive it!)
Don’t forget about all these other amazing snippets on the blog hop below… enjoy!
Mar 26, 2016 | Bloghop |

Hey, lovelies, I’m starting snippets for a new story this week! I have a new book on the way and it’s going to be sent out for FREE to all the members of my mailing list! This is an exciting, action-heavy dark erotica called ‘Lethal Sin’. It’s going to be the first book in my new series, Dangerous Games. It follows two assassins who get thrown head-to-head because of their bosses, and when they come together sparks and bullets fly! (Check out my #WIP Wednesday to read how this scene starts). In this opening scene Camille is zip-tied to a chair by a henchman and he told her someone was on the way to make her talk, oh, and she broke his nose with a head butt. She’s fun like that.
It only gets more fun from here! If you want to make sure you get the book for free when it comes out, make sure to sign up for my mailing list here. I only send out one or two emails a month!
Henchman’s chair screeched against the floor as he pushed it back, and then his heavy footsteps marched across the concrete. When the door opened she could hear hushed male voices and so she straightened her back again. No benefit to looking weak in front of henchman number two.
Their feet stopped just in front of her, and the hood was suddenly ripped over her head. Her vision blurred in the industrial lighting, but Camille took the opportunity to steal a few deep breaths as the cooler air rushed over her damp, hot skin.
“This is the one giving you all the trouble?” A deep voice rumbled in front of her and she shook out her white blonde hair as she raised her eyes to them. Mr. Not-So-Lucky had a crimson swipe under his nose to clearly mark him. He was a big guy, broad chested, with arms that screamed steroid use, and a close-cropped haircut that made his ugly mug stand out. Unfortunately, the guy to the left was taller, bigger, and his hard body under that designer suit looked like one earned from a lifetime of brutal work. Even worse, he had a playboy face. Handsome, Latin, with dark hair cut into that messy but put-together look she saw on rich boys all the time. That meant Mr. Not-So-Lucky hadn’t lied to her, this guy was high up on the food chain for their boss. Well compensated for the work he did, just like she was, and that meant he probably played on her level. Fuck.
Her evaluation had taken no more than a few seconds, but she knew one thing for sure – she couldn’t show fear to either of them. With a grin she leaned back as best she could with her arms still bound to the chair. “Have I really been that much trouble? I thought I’d been a stellar guest.”
“Shut up, bitch.” Mr. Not-So-Lucky glared at her, and the other man just chuckled. “Someone needs to teach you a fucking lesson.”
Mr. Not-So-Lucky reared his hand back to slap her, but henchman number two caught his arm in the air, never pulling his dark eyes from her. “Your assistance is no longer needed. Leave.”
The lackey’s shoulders slumped. “But I can help you out. Work her over with you, so -”
“No. Leave.” Tall, dark, and handsome turned his eyes to Mr. Not-So-Lucky and the man raised his hands up, moving towards the table.
“Fine, but tell the boss I was willing to help. He only called you in because -”
“I’m sure you’ll get an A for effort, dickbag.” Camille smiled as Mr. Not-So-Lucky flipped her off before he bent to gather his playing cards and shove his gun in the back of his pants.
He stood up to leave and pointed at her as he walked backwards towards the door. “Your smart mouth won’t last long with Mateo. Trust that.”
The idiot left, slamming the metal door behind him and she turned her eyes up to the very tall man standing in front of her. She tilted her head, and let her lips curve up in a slow smile. “Mateo, huh?”
“Knowing my name isn’t going to help you, doll face.”
These two are SO much fun! I laughed as I wrote the book because their sharp, quick wit never stops. The chemistry between them only gets hotter as the book moves along as well and I can’t wait to share it with all of you! It is dark though, so be prepared lovelies!
Now, there’s more delicious snippets from the authors below, so swing by their blogs too!
Mar 23, 2016 | Bloghop |

Well, lovelies, I have a new book on the way and it’s going to be sent out for FREE to all the members of my mailing list! This is an exciting, action-heavy dark erotica called ‘Lethal Sin’. It’s going to be the first book in my new series, Dangerous Games. It follows two assassins who get thrown head-to-head because of their bosses, and when they come together sparks and bullets fly! This is the opening scene, and I hope you enjoy it! It only gets more fun from here. If you want to make sure you get the book for free when it comes out, make sure to sign up for my mailing list here. I only send out one or two emails a month! Now, let’s dive in.
Click, click, thump.
Click. Thump.
The sound of someone racking the slide of a gun filled the space as they finished reassembling the weapon, and then there was only silence.
Camille shifted against the zip-ties holding her to the chair, because her back was bowed painfully so that she couldn’t even relax. They had also tethered her ankles to the outsides of the chair in an attempt to scare her, but, honestly, none of that bothered her. What was frustrating was that they had kept the damn cloth over her head, and it was hot, and stifling, and she just wanted some fresh air on her face – or as fresh as she was going to get in this warehouse near the dirty waterfront. Even through the fabric the stench of dead fish and filthy water was apparent.
“Alright, last chance. Tell us where he is.”
Right. Him.
Camille laughed softly under the cloth, but it was cut short when the asshole that had been playing with his gun landed a punch to her ribs. The pain stole the air from her on a curse, and she brought it back in through clenched teeth, tightening her hands into fists.
That had hurt.
“I told you that was your last chance.” The hard press of the gun shoved her head to the left as he dug the muzzle into the side of her scalp. He was probably trying to set it against her temple like in the movies, but he was off by about three inches.
“Then shoot me,” she muttered. His hand shook, she could feel the pressure of the metal against her skull wavering, and then he groaned and pulled the weapon away. As cool as she was trying to play it her heart rate had tripled in the silence, and now it was practically tripping over itself as she heard him pace away from her across the concrete.
Okay, Camille, maybe it wasn’t necessary to call his bluff that harshly. Rein in the bitch a bit.
“Hey, boss. Yeah.” The man was speaking into his phone, and although his voice was faint she could still make out his words in the dead silence of the huge warehouse. “No, she hasn’t.”
Camille smiled under the hood, taking advantage of his absence to stretch as much as she could, rolling her shoulders while she listened to the idiot try and explain to his boss how she hadn’t told him a thing. She should have known he was too low on the totem pole to actually do more than rough her up a bit.
He had still got the drop on her though. Fucker.
If she hadn’t been so stupid she wouldn’t be in this mess anyway. She’d let her guard down, tipsy from a few too many martinis at dinner, so she’d been looking for the business card she’d snagged with the hotel’s address instead of keeping her hand on the gun in her purse. The first electric snap of the stun gun against her side had brought her to her knees, the second had sent her flat, and she’d been barely conscious when he hit her a third time. Now she was tied to a chair listening to Mr. Lucky Shot get yelled at. At least that was entertaining.
“I did – Boss, I did! No, she –” He let out a shout of frustration. “I’ll get her to tell me. No, I can do it. I don’t need -”
The sudden silence and a low growl told her the call had ended. He stomped around for a few minutes, cursing and mumbling as he threw a henchman temper tantrum. Camille straightened up in the chair again as she heard him stomping towards her. The heavy sound of the hammer being cocked on the gun made her brain stand to attention.
“Tell me where he is, bitch! TELL ME!” He roared at her, and she tensed because if he was shaking as bad as he sounded like he was he might pull the trigger on accident – and she definitely did not want to get shot. Again. Once was enough in her lifetime.
But it’s not like telling him would save her life, he’d probably still shoot her, and if he didn’t? The man they were looking for definitely would.
Only he would make her beg for death first.
Camille kept her jaw shut tight, digging her nails into her palms as the man’s harsh breaths filled the space around her. He could at least take the fucking hood off. All his loud breathing was just reminding her of how little air she had under the dark cloth.
“You don’t have a lot more time. You can either tell us where he is now, or you’ll tell us later, but I promise – you’ll tell us one way or another.” The guy switched tactics, leaning in close until she felt the weight of his gun hand pressing on her thigh, the outline of the weapon digging into her skin through her tights. His other hand trailed up the form-fitting top she wore until his hand cupped her breast and squeezed.
She’d been waiting for this tactic. If hitting her and threatening her life didn’t work, threatening her sexually was always next. This definitely wasn’t new in the circles she ran in. They just always made the same mistake – they assumed she was weak.
His voice was a notch lower as he leaned close to her face, “Sure you don’t want to tell me?”
Camille grinned and spoke softly, “No.” Then she brought her head forward hard and based on the crunch and the sudden scream, she was pretty sure she’d just broken his nose.
“FUCK!” He roared, and she braced herself just before he backhanded her hard. The pain was a sudden burst in her cheek and her ears rang with the force of it, but she made herself sit back up.
If only she could see the shocked expression on his face, the bloody nose. That would be a nice interlude to their interrogation. He’d had her in the chair for over an hour conscious, probably much longer than that before she woke up, and no matter how many threats, promises, or hits – she still hadn’t answered him.
She was a professional, after all. No matter who she worked for.
Exciting start, huh? Well, our leading man will arrive soon so make sure to come back for the Saturday Spankings blog hop to see what he’s like! I’ll also be revealing the cover soon! In the mean time keep reading through the blog hop for more fun, sexy snippets from other authors!
Mar 19, 2016 | Bloghop |

For the last Saturday Spanks (and blog hop!) that will feature snippets of my latest release ‘Reunited‘ I wanted to give you all a teensy weensy sneak peak into the ‘extra’ I added to the original story. It’s over 10k words and titled ‘A Night Off’. It’s a very hot extra to the original story and it catches up with Eric and Megan and Colby about three years after the reunion. Eric and Megan are married, they have a bouncing baby boy, and Eric arranges for them to have a night off to have a little fun after a barbecue at her parent’s house.
I really hope you like this last snippet, lovelies!
Eric released her and turned towards the car, opening her door for her as he gestured to the passenger seat. She climbed in and he snuck another quick kiss before he shut it and ran around to the driver’s side. As he started the car she buckled in and laughed as he immediately started backing out. “Why are you in such a rush?”
“I want to get you naked.” He grinned, glancing at her before returning his eyes to the road.
“You could have me naked any time, sir.” Megan smiled as Eric’s hand found its way to her thigh, squeezing firmly.
“Not in a house where I can make you scream as loud as I want because we’re not trying to keep someone asleep.” The dark tone in his voice made a hot blush race up Meg’s chest and wetness gather between her thighs.
“Planning on making me scream, sir?”
“Hell yes I am. You’ve been going to classes during the week, working at the veterinary hospital on the weekends, and we’ve had Dante keeping us both on our toes and exhausted. We both need a little… release, don’t you think?”
Megan bit her lip, her heart racing inside her chest. Just thinking of all the things he could have planned for their evening had her head spinning. There was only one answer to an offer like that from the man who was both her Dom and her husband – “Yes, sir.”
“Good girl,” Eric growled, tightening his grip on her thigh as he drove a little faster towards home.
It took another ten minutes before they were pulling up in their driveway, but there was already a big, dark blue truck parked there. Megan’s heart sped up further as she leaned forward. “You called -”
As Eric stopped the car, the truck door opened and Colby stepped out. She heard Eric get out on the other side, but she couldn’t pull her eyes from their friend in the driveway. Colby walked forward and tugged her door open, leaning on the frame so his baby blues caught the interior light. “I’ve been waiting, Megster.”
“Sorry, we had a lot of people to say goodbye to, and we had to make sure the munchkin was settled.” Eric spoke up behind him and Colby glanced at him before returning his eyes to her with a grin.
“Alright, well, I think it’s time for you to get out of the car and get your gorgeous ass inside, don’t you think?”
“I -” Megan’s mouth felt dry, unable to respond, and then Colby pulled the door open all the way and reached across to unbuckle her seatbelt, his hard chest pressing her against the seat.
He paused before leaning out of the car, his lips dangerously close to hers. “I think the answer you’re looking for, Meg, is yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir,” she whispered and he grinned and pulled her out of the car, closing the door behind her. Standing in the beautiful suburban neighborhood, in front of the huge two-story house that Eric had bought before the reunion even happened, Megan felt dazed. Sometimes her life still felt unreal.
How on earth had she ever become this lucky?
Eric started to walk towards the front door, and Colby nudged her along ahead of him. In another moment they were all inside and she found herself standing between the two men, both of their eyes moving over her curves.
“What’s the plan tonight?” Colby asked Eric without ever removing his eyes from her.
“Let’s not spoil the fun.” He grinned, his dark eyes flashing with unspoken thoughts. “Strip her. I’ll be back.”
That’s right! The fun isn’t over for them after the reunion and it only gets better! I promise! If you haven’t grabbed this fun ménage erotica for your personal reading pleasure, run over to Amazon (here!) and grab a copy for only 99 cents, or FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
We are also steadily approaching the release of my next book ‘Taken by the Enemy’ with Blushing Books. It’s coming out March 26th and I hope you’ll want to check it out as well. It’s a lot darker, and fun in much different ways, but I hope you lovelies will enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Now, while you’re waiting for Reunited to appear on your kindles/phones/etc. check out these other HOT snippets on the blog hop below!
Mar 16, 2016 | Bloghop |

Oh, lovelies, I’m so sorry I missed the WIP blog hop last week, but I’m back with one last snippet from my latest release ‘Reunited‘! Haven’t snagged a copy yet? Well, maybe this treat will entice you to find out what happens next when these two hot Doms have their way with Megan. In this scene they just finished teasing and tormenting her with candle wax and some stellar orgasms, and now they’re ready to seal the deal.
“Untie her legs, Colby. We’ll give her a minute to rest up before we have some more fun.” Eric was standing at the head of the table, and she felt his hands work the rope from around her wrist, but all she could do was huff out a laugh.
“More fun might kill me.” Megan sighed as one of her wrists came free and she stretched her arm out before pushing her waves back from her forehead.
“I think you’re more resilient than you think, Megster.” Colby grinned, and she rolled her eyes as they released the rest of the ropes and took the gauze away. As she pulled her feet up onto the table the two of them stepped away to talk and she strained to listen to their hushed voices.
“You do?” Eric asked with laughter in his voice.
“Are you kidding?” Colby laughed too and she propped herself up on the workbench as he grabbed his jeans from the floor. Digging in a pocket he took out his wallet, and then a stream of condoms unfolded from it, attached in an accordion of dark foil wrappers. “Please tell me you were not dumb enough to show up here without condoms, Eric.”
Eric grabbed his dress pants off the floor and yanked his wallet out. With a flourish he produced a single condom wrapper and held it up between his fingers. “I have one. One, Colby, because I apparently don’t whore it up as much as you do.”
“I believe the phrase is… by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail?”
“Did you seriously just quote Benjamin Franklin? About condoms?” Megan laughed and lay back against the smooth wood.
“Is that who said it?” Colby shrugged, and they all laughed. With a roll of his eyes Eric walked over to her, and she watched as the muscles of his thighs moved with each step, enjoying the view. When he got close he helped her sit up and she swung her legs over the side.
“You are so beautiful when you’re all flushed like this.” He trailed his thumb over her cheek and then dragged it across her lips. “It’s why I could never stop staring at you when we were younger.”
“I just thought it was because you were making sure you hadn’t imagined the sex.” Megan grinned and he laughed loudly, and Colby coughed and tried to hide his laughter behind him.
“Alright, maybe it was a bit of that too.” Eric tilted her chin up and she bit her lip, waiting to see what he’d say next. “Speaking of that, I really want to fuck you.”
“Ditto!” Colby called out.
“Of course. You ready for more?” Eric smiled at her, all charming dimples again, and she took a breath. Her eyes flicked between the two of them before she made herself nod.
In for a penny, in for a pound, right? No turning back now, Megan.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Yeah?” Eric raised an eyebrow and she couldn’t stifle the grin that stretched her lips.
“Yes, sir.”
“So much better,” he growled.
I adore these guys, but if you want to find out what happens next you’ll want to swing by Amazon and grab a copy. Only 99 cents or FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Click here to 1-click away! Already read it? Do me a huge favor and post a review!
Also, if you’ve been hanging out on these blog hops with me then you know I have another book coming out from Blushing Books called ‘Taken by the Enemy’! The release date is March 26th, and if you like dark and sexy erotica you’ll want to check it out. Stay tuned for a cover reveal!
While you’re waiting with bated breath, there’s plenty more hotness from the other authors on the hop below!
Mar 12, 2016 | Bloghop |

Oh, snap, lovelies, I totally failed with the blog hops last week because seven days ago I was hanging out with the lovely , Sophie Kisker, and Myra Danvers on a writing retreat where we all traveled to meet up. It was glorious, but it meant that all of us were so distracted with travel plans, and hanging out, that we completely spaced on our blog hops! Don’t worry though, I still have a few more delectable tidbits from my latest release ‘Reunited‘! In this snippet Colby and Eric have Meg tied down on top of a workbench in the woodshop of their old high school. Colby had snagged a candle from the table at the 10-year high school reunion and he’s been dripping wax over her, but the men have other ideas on how to torment her…
The guys looked at each other over her and then Eric slid a finger inside her, followed quickly by another that had her arching off the table. “Oh my God…” she whined, tilting her hips up towards his hand.
“Here’s a good rule we can add. No coming without permission, Megan.” Eric smiled as his thumb landed on her clit and began slow, torturous circles that had her whimpering. “Ever played with orgasm control?”
“If by orgasm control you mean see-how-many-times-she-comes-before-she-begs-you-to-stop, then, yeah.” Colby laughed and Eric rolled his eyes before tormenting her even more by increasing the delicious pressure over her clit.
“I was actually asking Megan, but I’m sure she’d like to play that game with you when we’re done with this one.” Eric grinned, keeping his eyes glued to her as she pulled against the ropes and gasped as another wave of pleasure rolled up her spine.
“I suck at this game, Eric, seriously! Please!” She arched hard off the workbench when he curved his fingers to rub against her g-spot, and her rambling pleas were impossible to stop as she squeezed her eyes shut.
“Tsk, tsk, Megster. Didn’t Eric say to refer to us as ‘sir’?” Colby’s voice was the only warning she got before another streak of hot wax landed on her belly. A half-scream escaped her before Colby’s hand clapped down over her mouth, and her eyes popped open to find him grinning madly above her. “Shhhh. Good girls stay quiet.”
Ahhhh, these guys are so HOT! There are only a couple more blog hops where I’ll be sharing snippets, but if you can’t wait and want to know what happens to them right now then swing by Amazon and grab your own copy for just 99 cents, or get it FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Just click here! Already read it? Do me a huge favor and post a review!
Also, if you’ve been hanging out on these blog hops with me then you know I have another book coming out from Blushing Books called ‘Taken by the Enemy’! The release date is March 26th, and if you like dark and sexy erotica you’ll want to check it out. Stay tuned for a cover reveal!
Now that you’re all hot and bothered, you should probably just keep going. There’s plenty more hotness from the other authors on the hop below!