Jul 9, 2016 | Bloghop |

It’s time for #SatSpanks again and I’m still working on the prequel book for ‘Lethal Sin‘! It’s already dark, and twisted, and a lot of fun. If you’ve already read ‘Lethal Sin’ you may have been a little curious about Camille’s sordid past, about how she got involved in the assassin game, which ultimately puts her on the path to collide with Mateo in the book. I was so caught up in Camille’s story myself that this prequel started flowing out. It’s not named yet, and I’m not sure when I’ll have it finished, but in this scene Camille ran into Smith back at their hotel room where she hadn’t expected him to be back from his last job. She has her own job to do, which means leaving no matter what Smith’s words promise.
Dropping onto the bed she pulled her shoes back on, and Smith appeared in the doorway. Still half-dressed, still impossibly gorgeous, and still completely uninterested in her. “You slept in my bed last night.”
The words froze her hands in place, mid-tie with the laces. Camille swallowed and kept her eyes towards the floor. “Uh, yeah. Won’t happen again.”
“I don’t care that you slept in my bed, I care that you apparently slept in my bed and then threw up in the trash can.” He blew out a breath and ran a hand across his face. “Did you get drunk last night?”
“Yep. I got fucking plastered, so sue me.” She stood up and faced him, lying through her teeth. “Mind getting out of my way?”
“Was it a nightmare?” There was a softness around his jade colored eyes as she met them, and that momentarily hurt worse than the accuracy of his question.
“Fuck off, Smith,” Camille growled under her breath as she brushed past him, but he caught her by the arm.
“Where are you going?” he asked, the softness bleeding into his voice. He was too close to her. Those quiet eyes boring holes through her, into her soul, and if she let him look too long he’d see everything. Every gory detail of her past – and then he wouldn’t want her around him.
Damaged goods.
“I’m going out.” Jerking her arm away from him she walked backwards towards the door. “You know, just because you show up early doesn’t mean I cancel all my fucking plans. I’ll be back later.”
“Your plans?” He lifted his eyebrows, a doubting expression.
“Yeah. My fucking plans.”
“Cancel them. I want you to stay here. Go get a late lunch with me.” Was that a pleading tone underneath the cold command in his voice? Where the hell had that come from? He stared at her from across the hotel room, a matter of feet that he could cover in a breath if he actually meant to stop her.
Does he want you? A flicker of hope burned hot for a moment until the memory of her nightmare destroyed it.
Fuck this. No. You don’t have time for this.
Joe Wilson was waiting. Waiting for a bullet in the head, or a lung, and maybe a few to his dick, and that was more important than a half-dressed Smith asking her to stay for lunch.
“We don’t always get what we want,” she muttered and ripped open the door to the room, practically running into the hallway to get away from him. To get some space so she could think. Plan. Prepare.
This time she wouldn’t panic. She wouldn’t freeze. She would kill him.
Camille is single-minded and too driven for her own good. The consequences of this scene are… serious, but I’ll let you read to find that out! Until the next bloghop (I post #WIP Wednesday and #SaturdaySpanks), check out these other sneak peeks below:
Jul 6, 2016 | Bloghop

Oh, #WIP It Up Wednesday, it’s been too long! So glad to be hopping back into the blog hops each week. Why, hello lovelies! I’m especially excited because I’m working on the prequel book for ‘Lethal Sin‘, and it’s already dark, and twisted, and a lot of fun. If you’ve already read Lethal Sin you may have been a little curious about Camille’s sordid past, about how she got involved in the assassin game, which ultimately puts her on the path to collide with Mateo in the book. I was so caught up in Camille’s story myself that this prequel started flowing out. It’s not named yet, and I’m not sure when I’ll have it finished, but in this scene Smith has woken up before her, and we see he may not be as cool, calm, and collected as he’d like us to believe.
Looking over at C he knew she had been damaged by something beyond his understanding. She never spoke about it, never even hinted at it, not even when she woke them both up shouting and crying in her sleep. No, she was closed up tight, like a lockbox. Too strong for her own good, and it was eating her alive from the inside out.
What the hell had she wanted the gun for in the first place?
Why had she tracked him down at Bill’s?
Those questions kept him up at night. If it was just for the johns, he’d understand, but her tenacity to learn how to kill had never faded, even after she’d stopped turning tricks the night he’d taken her with him. Whoever had hurt her wasn’t a john. The street life had been the result, he was sure of that. So what was driving her?
She was feisty, and beautiful, and strong, and –
Smith forced himself out of bed as his cock kicked to attention, remembering her lithe body as she had run the obstacle course he had laid out for her the day before. Remembering the way she had moved on the rooftop, the feel of her soft skin under his hands as they had fought. Scrubbing his face he tried to wipe the images from his mind, and he found himself on the uncomfortable, stiff chair by the table in the living space of the hotel room. The crossword puzzle was under his hand and he dragged it into the dim light coming from the curtains, ignoring the rock hard flesh between his thighs.
“Alright, distraction time. A two-ton animal that can run 35 miles per hour…” he mumbled under his breath as he read, scanning the letters he’d filled in the day before, racking his brain, even as his thoughts wandered against his wishes.
C deserved so much better than him, than this life. She deserved a real life, a normal one, but he seemed to be the only person she had and she didn’t seem to want to be anywhere else. Worse, he didn’t want her to leave. Now, he couldn’t imagine coming back to an empty hotel room. A room with nothing but mindless television as company. No smiles for weeks at a time. No smart ass remarks to frustrate him and make his eyes roll. Just death, payday, death, payday, and more death.
A soft yawn broke the silence behind him. “Are you seriously doing the fucking crossword at six o’clock in the morning?”
“Yes.” He glanced over at her as she dropped onto the couch, her limbs all akimbo as another yawn nearly cracked her jaw. Too beautiful.
Smith is trying so hard to maintain that professional distance as he trains Camille, and while it’s a very good thing (at this point in the story) Camille definitely feels differently. Who wouldn’t want a hot, sexy, assassin teaching them? I’d sign up! Until the next bloghop (I post #WIP Wednesday and #SaturdaySpanks), check out these other sneak peeks below:
Jul 2, 2016 | Bloghop |

Why, hello lovelies! I’m getting back in the swing o’ the blog hops because I’m working on the prequel book for ‘Lethal Sin‘, and it’s already dark, and twisted, and a lot of fun. If you’ve already read Lethal Sin you may have been a little curious about Camille’s sordid past, about how she got involved in the assassin game, which ultimately puts her on the path to collide with Mateo in the book. I was so caught up in Camille’s story myself that this prequel started flowing out. It’s not named yet, and I’m not sure when I’ll have it finished, but this is a scene with her and Smith (the assassin who takes her in) training on a rooftop. Let’s see how she’s doing…
“You think one of your targets will give you a break?” Smith went to sweep her legs but she jumped it, stepping close to land a one-two punch to his midsection. His arms moved to come around her, and she heard his voice in her head, ‘Never let a man get a hold of you.’ Turning and ducking out of his arms she slammed her knee into the back of his and sent him to the ground, with a grunt of effort she kicked him between the shoulder blades and for the first time that night he was on his belly on the fucking rooftop instead of her.
“My targets aren’t going to be fucking ninjas!” She shouted above him, circling him out of his range as he gathered himself and stood. “I’m a hundred times better than I was.”
“That doesn’t mean much. You couldn’t even hold a gun when I met you.” The moonlight carved his profile out of the darkness, highlighting the slight tilt of his lips. “And you still can’t hold your temper.”
“If you’d let me go on a fucking job with you, if you’d let me fight someone who isn’t a black belt in four hundred -”
“I am not a black belt. In anything.”
“What the fuck ever, you know I could kick practically anyone’s ass.” She popped the knuckles on one bruised hand while he shook his head slowly, letting out a deep sigh as he rested his hands on his hips.
“But you still can’t kick mine.”
He’s such a bad ass, all stoic and sexy, AND he’s such a damaged hero. I love it! I’m hoping you will too, because it takes a bit for these two (for good reason) but I think it’s going to be worth the ride. Stay tuned for more bloghops! In the mean time, check out these others below:
Jun 25, 2016 | Bloghop |

I’m working on the prequel book for ‘Lethal Sin‘, and it’s already dark, and twisted, and a lot of fun. If you’ve already read Lethal Sin you may have been a little curious about Camille’s sordid past, about how she got involved in the assassin game, which ultimately puts her on the path to collide with Mateo in the book. I was so caught up in Camille’s story myself that this prequel started flowing out. It’s not named yet, and I’m not sure when I’ll have it finished, but this scene has her and Smith at a shooting range, and he’s just handed her a gun for the first time.
“Pull the trigger.” His voice was just behind her ear, and she wrapped her finger around the metal and pulled.
“What the fuck?” She turned on him. “There’s no bullets in this thing!”
He jerked back from her and then yanked the gun out of her hand as it passed in front of his face. “No, there weren’t any bullets, and that is why. You don’t wave a gun around, and you definitely don’t point it at anything you’re not planning on killing.” Shaking his head he muttered under his breath. “Nevermind, I’m not selling -”
“Wait! Look, I’ll learn your stupid rules -”
“The rules aren’t stupid. You want a gun, you need to know how to use one.”
“You do this for all the people you sell guns to?” She asked, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wooden barrier. Those jade eyes met hers for a moment, and then he looked away, moving back towards the bag with the gun in his hand. “Stop! Shit, I’ll listen. I swear. Just show me, alright? I’ll pay attention.”
“You need to get your temper under control. That’s the next lesson you need to learn.” He sighed and reached into the bag. With a quick movement he shoved something into the bottom of the gun, pulled at it, and turned and started firing. She screamed and covered her ears, but he walked forward steady and calm, and then the noise stopped as soon as it had begun. The room smelled like the air had been burned, and he pointed down the range. “If you can ever manage to control yourself, you might be able to do that one day.”
Turning around she saw the tight cluster of shots in the very center of the paper outline. He had blown a hole through the middle of the thing. “Holy shit.”
“So, do you want to listen?”
“Fuck yes, I’ll listen if you teach me to do that.”
Ohhhh, Smith has so much to teach her, but Camille has her own plans with what she wants to do once she can fire a gun like that. Curious? Stay tuned for more bloghops! In the mean time, check out these others below!
Jun 11, 2016 | Bloghop |

I’m working on the prequel book for ‘Lethal Sin‘ (which just appeared on BookBub last week and is still on sale for 99 cents!), and it’s going to be dark, and twisted, and a lot of fun. If you’ve already read Lethal Sin you may have been a little curious about Camille’s sordid past, about how she got involved in the assassin game, which ultimately puts her on the path to collide with Mateo in the book. I was so caught up in Camille’s story myself that this prequel started flowing out. It’s not named yet, and I’m not that far in (a little over 10k words) but I already love this scene between her and a very important person in her life. Well, he will be important, but this is from when they meet.
“I have money,” she whispered, but the man just sighed again.
“You don’t have enough. Trust me.” Crossing his arms he faced off with her, his pencil flipping over his fingers, and she was surprised for a moment by how handsome he was. Most of the dicks in this place were haggard, run down by their hard lives, the drugs and the alcohol – but he looked clean and put together. Rare.
It made her hate him a little more.
“I’ve got six hundred. Cash.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but he’d heard her. One eyebrow lifted neatly and he seemed to really look at her for the first time, his eyes narrowing as he stared.
“Where did you get that?”
“Around.” Camille swallowed and leaned back in her chair, mimicking his posture. Casual, laid-back, but still clearly in charge.
“I don’t like liars.”
“I didn’t ask you to like me, did I?” She kept her stare leveled at him, but he surprised her again by laughing, low and quiet.
“No, you did not.” The man stood up and tucked the paper under his arm as he tilted his head. “Alright. Come with me.”
Curious? So am I! I can’t wait to see how this book unfolds, and I’ll try to share scenes as I write them and love them. This is definitely a book that you’ll want to read ‘Lethal Sin’ with, although it can be read alone. The entire Dangerous Games series is going to be raw like this, and I have to say I’m having a blast writing this kind of full-force language. Until my next blog hop, check out these others below!
Jun 4, 2016 | Bloghop |

It’s time for Saturday Spanks and if you’ve been following along with the snippets from my latest release, you know that Alaric and Tara have been growing closer and closer together. Aaaaand guess what came out yesterday? THIS BOOK! ‘Tara’ (Daughters of Eltera Book 2) is available here for only $2.99 or FREE on Kindle Unlimited! Today’s snippet picks up after they spent the night at a dance club where they met one of Alaric’s contacts, and then spent the night dancing and having fun. It was the most free Tara has been in a while, and Alaric is about to see just how grateful she is.
She was beyond beautiful, and he couldn’t imagine why Gianni had even been willing to part with her – but perhaps he’d never seen her like this. So alive. He pulled into the car park at the hotel and the moment the car stopped Tara leaned over and kissed him again, bracing one arm on his door so she was slightly above him. It stole the breath from his lungs, and this time he didn’t ignore the urge and pushed his hands into her hair as she leaned over the center console, silky waves that were thick enough to feel heavy in his hands. Her lips were so soft but he kissed her back hard, holding her to him. He heard himself growl as she shifted across the car and was suddenly in his lap, her back brushing the steering wheel, nestling him between her thighs.
“Tara –” He started to speak but she kissed him again as they were firmly pressed together in the small space of the front of the car. Alaric knew he should say something, knew he should stop, because this was exactly what he wasn’t supposed to do. But she fitted against him perfectly, and he didn’t want to say no.
Want to find out what happens next? You’ll have to grab a copy of the book!! This may be the last snippet I have for a while on either #WIP Wednesday or #SatSpanks because I need to figure out where I’m going with the book I’m writing before I start sharing pieces. Either way, I do hope you all love the book!
In the mean time, check out these other author’s snippets below: