It’s #AskMeAnything today and I’ve been receiving a variety of questions from all of you lovely readers around a central concept…
(Curious what the #AskMeAnything is? Check out the official AMA page on my site over here.)
Q: When can we touch and hear your books?!
A: Honestly, nothing makes me happier than hearing how excited you guys are to get my books in paperback and in audio format. What most people don’t know (and I didn’t know before I started writing) is that each of those things takes a completely separate process, time, and usually an investment of money.
Currently, I have the Thalia trilogy, Of Fog and Fire, and Taken by the Enemy available in paperback. I’m currently working on getting Lethal Sin, Early Sins, Fae, and Tara into paperback. (Livia and I are also working on the Black Light series.) However, this will take a bit of time!
The only audiobook I have right now is Taken and that’s because my publisher chose to do that (I was not involved in the process) and so not only do I need to learn HOW to get books into audio format, then I need to actually do it.
I promise I’m working on it though, and it’s my big commitment to do it the first half of 2017!
There’s a ton of exciting announcements coming, some I can talk about, and some I can’t, but just know that this year is going to be amazing and I’m so glad to be in with all of you!!