
Why, hello there lovelies! We’re back for another Music Monday and this is a song that always makes me sit up and pay attention because I just love Laurel’s voice (and so many of her songs) but this one just makes me think of that line between the light and dark that I love so much. It alternates between bright lyrics, and violent ones, and I just love it. Definitely scroll down to hit play and check it out!

Favorite lyrics…

Into the hills,
cry the tears of the crocodiles.
Lost feet, on the road
said I love you so
I don’t have to be alone.
Smoke fast, out the door
love hard, but in the end we’ll kill them all.
Sun’s coming up,
too early my Valentine.

I feel it here
on my skin like demons.
Cry with joy
cause I know Hell follows me.
Out here
in the Garden of Angels
I feel what it was like to be free.


‘To the Hills’ by Laurel