WIP Wednesday – Next anthology story!

WIP Bloghop

I swear, every week at some point I think of how I need to sign up for WIP Wednesday because I’m always working on a project that I could share with you lovelies, but then the real world takes over and I completely forget. I promise I will try to be better.

However! This week I did not fail miserably and remembered to sign up, and I promised last week that I would give you guys a sneak peek of the next anthology story and here it is. I wish I could tell you the title of it right now, but my editor and I are completely lost on it. To be honest, if I don’t start out with a title it is always a nightmare for me to come up with one when the story is done. Nothing really feels right, so if you get any ideas out of this short snippet PLEASE tell me in the comments? I’d love you forever, and totally mention you in the book.

To give you an idea of what’s going on, this story follows Phee who is a dreamy-headed girl that lives with fairy tales in her head, but actually lives a rather harsh reality. When she meets Bryant Holbrook she imagines him as an ocean god walking onto the beach to take over the land, and Phee pictures herself as a queen of the forest meeting him head-on to push him back. She doesn’t want to give an inch, and Bryant is caught off-guard by her refusal to submit – and it only makes him want her more. Can a girl from the wrong side of town have any hope of being with one of the city’s elite? Yes, but everything is definitely not what it seems.

* * *

They tumbled through his front door. The elevator ride had been ridiculously long from the underground parking garage, but he had kept her busy. His hands moving over her breasts and hips, and as he slammed the door behind her she almost felt the ocean lapping at her ankles.

“Bryant…” Phee moaned as he lifted her and pressed her back against the door, her legs wrapping around his hips. He covered her mouth with his again, his hands sliding the hem of her dress up to her waist.

“I’m taking you to the bedroom.” Bryant grinned against her mouth and then he was walking with her. Her scream of surprise turned into laughter as she realized he was carrying her. He slid her down his front as they passed through a door and she saw a huge platform bed, low to the floor. The whole room was done in whites and pale grays over dark wood. Shiny, pale tiles lined the entire apartment and she steadied herself in her heels as they clicked to the floor. “Think you can stow that smart mouth for a bit?”

She looked up at him with a smirk, “And if I don’t?”

“I do still owe you a lesson in manners.” The edge of his mouth lifted a little in a challenge that she wanted to accept.

Phee ran her hands across his waist, her fingertips tracing his belt before she untucked the white button down from his jeans. With a grin she started unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom, and then looked up at him to find his turquoise eyes flashing with amusement. She rose to the challenge, “How do you plan to give me that lesson?”

Bryant let her open his shirt and she was surprised for a moment at how muscular he was, he had washboard abs and she couldn’t help but run her hand over them. Why was he so fit? Wasn’t he supposed to be a paper pusher for his uncle? Her thoughts were derailed when he grabbed her face so she had to look at him and not his hard chest, “I think I’d like to drag you over my lap and spank you,” he paused, a smile moving across his lips as he let her process what he’d said, “Think you can handle it?”

Her whole body buzzed with the idea. It made her shiver, and she wondered if something about her had tipped him off to her particular kinks. Or did he offer to spank all his dates? Either way, being put across Bryant Holbrook’s lap was basically a fantasy come to life, except here he wasn’t commanding the ocean or glistening in the sunlight. Phee shook herself and smiled sweetly at him as she pushed the shirt off his shoulders, “Oh, I can handle it. Is this where you try to make me beg, Bryant? Because I can definitely handle a spanking.”

Phee stood as tall as she could, squaring her shoulders as she looked up into his eyes. She was a forest queen, the leader of an army of trees – and she wanted to dive in to the fucking ocean for a bit. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t strong, and she wanted him to know that, to see that in her. Bryant pulled her into a kiss and one of his hands reached down to start pulling the dress off. He leaned back to tug it over her head, and the serious tone in his voice sent a delicious rush down her spine, “This isn’t where you beg, Phee. This is where you get undressed and get on my bed before I decide to get the paddle instead.”

* * *

Look for more information on this upcoming anthology piece that will appear in the May publication from ‘The Erotic Collective’! To be fair, the group hasn’t decided on a title for the anthology yet either, so I’m not too behind by not having a title for this little story. I hope you liked it, and remember to leave me title suggestions if you have any!

Please check out the other participants in this week’s WIP Wednesday bloghop below!


WIP Wednesday: Another peek at “The Rite”

Look! Another bloghop event! I’m trying to be all kinds of informative on what I’m working on, as if I’m some kind of serious author. I decided to share another sneak peek at “The Rite” from the upcoming dark anthology, which is so hard because there’s lots of little things that I don’t want to give away for you! Hopefully this whets your appetites!

This is when Heather first meets Neil at a speed-dating event!


She snapped out of her daze and took her hand from his to brush her hair behind her ears. What the fuck was she going to do? What could she say, what could she – “I’m a witch.”

The words fell out of her mouth and his eyes went wide. Then he started laughing. “Seriously?”

“Actually, yes.” Heather stared at him, tense as she waited to see what he’d do.

“So – what? Are you in, like, a tribe of witches?” He was still grinning at her, and he wasn’t running.

“You mean a coven?” She corrected.

“I don’t know. Do I mean coven?” His smile was intoxicating. Why did he have to be so cute?

“I think so.” Heather found herself smiling back.

“Is a coven like a tribe of witches?”

“…yes. It’s like a tribe of witches.” She laughed. Who hadn’t watched enough Hollywood movies to know the term coven?

“Okay… so – what? Are you in a coven?” He reached for her hand, running his thumb over her palm like he wasn’t concerned at all. He wasn’t acting like she was crazy, or demanding the weird, peppy hostess lady switch them early.

“Yeah. I’m in a coven. With my family.” It was weird to say the truth out loud, and she intently stared at him waiting for a reaction other than this casual acceptance.

He smiled at her, “Well, number 19 the witch, I’m writing your number down because you are the only girl here who is both interesting and pretty.” Then he did, black pen scrawling the numbers one and nine on the first line of his paper.

The bell clanged, and he looked over at the hostess and rolled his eyes. “Write my number down. Come on, do it.” He stood up but he didn’t move away from the seat, his hands braced on the table top. Number 22 was glaring at him. “Come on, 19. Write it down.” He grinned at her, all cocky bravado, and – she did. Her pen carefully marking out the numbers two and one next to each other on the first line. He put his hands together like he was praying and mouthed a ‘thank you’ before he dropped into the chair at the next table.

Why was he thanking her? She winced, guilt racking her already.


Ohhhhh, the things I want to spoiler here. But I won’t. You’ll just have to read “The Rite” to discover why this story deserves to be in a dark anthology. ^_^ Hope you enjoyed my lovelies!

Taboo Tuesday Snippet


Okay, lovelies. Taboo Tuesday is a bloghop that likes to focus on dark, and that’s my happy place. So, when Sophie Kisker brought it to my attention, I had no reason to refuse it. Check out this snippet from my popular lit series.

Fair warning: This snippet (and the whole series) contains graphic scenes of punishment, force, and a whole lot of crazy obsessiveness. There’s also some very sweet, and very hot BDSM in the series too, to be fair. ^_^

If you want to read more about Thalia, read more here, or wait until her whole story is re-edited together into a trilogy in early 2015 and released on Amazon! Correct reading order for lit is Security Binds Her and then Striking a Balance, and this snippet shouldn’t disturb your reading enjoyment of the whole series too much.


She made herself stare at the ceiling so she couldn’t see his dark hair between her thighs, his cold, blue-gray eyes watching her body flush and writhe for him as he increased the pleasure. He pinched her thigh sharply and she cried out.

“Say that you understand, Thalia.”

“Yes, Master. I understand.” She could hear in her voice that she was close to breaking down. He groaned and slid up her body, his hips pushing between her thighs.

“Say that you’re mine.” Marcus held himself above her, his cock brushing against her core. Thalia bit her lip, not wanting to say those words. Flashbacks of the last time he’d demanded it ringing inside her head. She just wanted James, she wanted her boyfriend, she wanted her Dom. She wanted the man she chose again and again. She didn’t want Marcus.

“Please don’t make me.” Thalia pleaded. His cock pressed forward, her pussy already wet and waiting – traitor, her body was a traitor. He laid a hand over her throat, squeezing with the hint of a threat as she whimpered.

“Say that you’re mine, or fight me again and see what happens.”


This was so much fun! Please check out the other participants in this week’s Taboo Tuesday bloghop below!

Visit our wonderful bloghop!

All posts should be live by 12am ET(5am GMT)on the day of the hop!


1. Sophie Kisker 3. Jennifer Bene 5. Joelle Casteel
2. Livia Grant 4. Emily Tilton

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