Apr 20, 2016 | Bloghop |

We’re back for another #WIP Wednesday and we are still in Mateo’s devious playroom with Camille tied down to his spanking bench after he used the strap trying to get her to tell him where her boss is. In this scene Mateo left her to think after she refused him and Camille thought that meant she’d get a reprieve, until he cranked down the temperature so that she was freezing… asshole. She’s spent the last hour or so having flashbacks of some not-so-pleasant memories, but don’t worry, lovelies, Mateo is on his way back.
She was too cold to freak out, to lose her shit. She needed all of her energy focused on keeping sensation in her fingertips so she could adequately strangle Mateo as soon as his happy ass showed back up. The joints in her knuckles creaked as she stretched her fingers and then pulled them back into a fist slowly.
The sound of the door popping open behind her made her laugh silently. Speak of the devil and he appears.
His heavy steps moved towards her casually, no rush to them, and she imagined his broad, muscled body making the suit work as he came forward. In preparation Camille pressed her sharp nails into her palms again, urging the skin to wake up despite the chill. Without a word he stroked his too-warm hand up her thigh, lingering as he rubbed across the numb welts on her ass, forcing her to recognize the heat in his skin.
“Alright. Let’s try this again.” Mateo pulled his hand from her and she instantly felt the absence of the warmth, a fresh chill raising bumps along her arms and legs. “Where is he?”
Camille gritted her teeth, hating herself for the answer she was about to give. “Fuck off.”
“Not ready to share yet?” His voice was light, unconcerned, but she imagined he had a lot more clothing on than she did, and based on the warmth of his hand it seemed like he’d just been camped out in front of a fire, under a fucking blanket, with a mug of cocoa. Bastard.
“I’m sorry, I must not have enunciated clearly. Fuck. Off.” She turned to look over her shoulder and once again begrudged him for being so handsome. With a quiet laugh he pushed his dark hair off his forehead.
“Okay, I’ll move on to the next stage then.” He wandered away from her back to his wall of deviant toys, and she tried her best to bite back the question, but her mouth ran away from her.
She blamed the cold.
“What do you mean by next stage?”
His eyebrows were raised when he turned to look at her. “Well…” he turned away for a moment and then grabbed a riding crop from a hook on the wall before moving towards her slowly. “Earlier you had pain, then pleasure, then deprivation of something important. In this case, warmth.”
“So?” She asked, watching carefully as he ran the leather of the crop over the palm of his hand.
“So, you still haven’t answered me. That means we’re back to pain.” Without another comment he brought his arm back with the crop and it landed with crippling accuracy right where her ass met her thighs.
Ohhhhh, Mateo and Camille make me so happy! I hope you’re having just as much fun as I am with them. Remember ‘Lethal Sin’ is available for pre-order on Amazon here, or you can get it for FREE for signing up for my mailing list here. It will go live on Amazon on April 25th!
Can’t wait to hear what you all think of the full book, as soon as it’s live you’ll start getting snippets of the 2nd book in my Daughters of Eltera series! In the mean time, check out these other hot snippets below…
Apr 16, 2016 | Bloghop |

We’re back for another #SatSpanks snippet from my latest book ‘Lethal Sin’ which is now available for pre-order on Amazon here, or you can get it for FREE for signing up for my mailing list here. If you’ve been on my mailing list, you probably already have it! In this scene Mateo has Camille tethered to a spanking bench in his devious playroom where he’s trying to get her to tell him the address for her boss. Let’s just say Camille isn’t willing to give it up, even when he starts to use the strap on her.
Another snap of the leather across her ass had her twisting, digging her nails into her palms as the sharp sting bled into the pulsing heat across her skin. Camille’s cheek was pressed hard into the padded two by four underneath her, and she tried not to tense as she heard the next whip of the strap through the air, but by the time it landed she was locked up in expectation – and that only made it hurt worse. Groaning low she turned her head to the other side, straining her abs to give her the space to do it since her arms couldn’t do anything. Even her legs were useless on this damned contraption. She had tried to pull against the bindings on her ankles, but it had made no difference and he’d landed the next strike just a little harder as if that was going to stop her trying.
The ache was constant now, building on top of itself as a new, burning lash landed just where her ass met her thighs and tears pricked the edges of her eyes as she bit down on a cry.
She was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing this hurt. Even when her skin felt bruised and fiery at the same time, and the palms of her hands ached from the force of driving her nails into them.
A second later his warm hand was cupping her ass, squeezing the flesh until the welts woke up anew and she squirmed despite her best efforts to stay still. “Ready to talk yet?” His voice was sinfully dark, a growl appropriate for a room like this.
Trust me, the best part of this book is how Camille doesn’t follow any of the normal rules. This is no weak willed heroine that faints at the first sign of pain, she’s a badass through and through! The only issue for her is that Mateo is just as much of a badass. It’s so fun and I can’t wait to hear what you all think of the full book! If you grab a free copy, all I ask is that you put a review up on Amazon on or after April 25th when it goes live for everyone. Thanks for all your support, lovelies! I’m working on Book 2 of my Daughters of Eltera series now, and snippets of that should start showing up on these blog hops soon.
In the mean time, check out these other hot snippets on the blog hop below!
Apr 13, 2016 | Bloghop |

We’re back with another snippet of ‘Lethal Sin’ which is now available for pre-order on Amazon here, or you can get it for FREE for signing up for my mailing list here. If you’ve been on my mailing list, you probably already have it! This is such a fun book, and if you’ve been following along on the blog hops then you know that Mateo took Camille to his house to torture the location of her boss out of her. In this scene she’s handcuffed in his devious playroom and Mateo just picked up a strap, but Camille doesn’t seem too worried.
“I can tell you that I have no plans of just holding this strap.”
“If you want me to spank you with it, you’re going to need to uncuff me. I’ve never done the dominatrix thing, but if it will get me out of here I’ll do my best.” She smiled, tossing her hair back over her shoulder, her voice taking on an irritating sultry quality. “Has someone been a bad boy?”
The insinuation that he wanted her to dominate him made an inner part of him roar and he stomped towards her. Her confident gaze flickered just before he grabbed her hair and pushed her back against the wall, crushing her against it with his weight. The soft yelp that escaped her as the cuffs dug painfully into her arms made him instantly hard again. “Want to rethink how you’d like to talk to me?”
“Not particularly,” she groaned, and then she tried to bring her knee up into his crotch. He twisted his hips to block her, but then she brought her boot down hard into his ankle. It was, honestly, only luck and reflexes that made him divert her kick so that it just scraped down his pant leg, likely leaving behind a vicious scratch. Mateo gripped her hair harder and immediately second-guessed his decision to press himself against her so quickly, because her curves were messing with his head, and he hadn’t even begun to try and get the information his boss needed from her.
She’s just a job.
The words repeated in his head, over and over, until he finally felt centered enough to jerk her forward off the wall and push her towards the spanking bench. She tried to pull back, to halt his progress with her, but when it only resulted in a sharper pull to her hair and an unpleasant angle to her neck, she eventually relented. Stopping her just in front of the spanking bench he leaned down to speak directly into her ear, “To be honest, I don’t care how you tell me what I want to know, just as long as you give me what I need. If you’re screaming while you do it that only makes my day a little better.”
Ohhh, Mateo is such a bad boy, but Camille always rises to meet him. The fact that they play on the same level was my favorite part of this book! No begging from Camille, that’s for sure. It’s so fun and I can’t wait to hear what you all think of the full book! If you grab a free copy, all I ask is that you put a review up on Amazon on or after April 25th when it goes live for everyone. Thanks for all your support, lovelies! I’m working on Book 2 of my Daughters of Eltera series now, and snippets of that should start showing up on these blog hops soon.
In the mean time, check out these other hot snippets on the blog hop below!
Apr 9, 2016 | Bloghop |

Oh, lookie! It’s another #SatSpanks with our current favorite deviants Camille and Mateo. This is a snippet from my upcoming book ‘Lethal Sin’ which will go out free to all of the subscribers on my mailing list, so if you want to know more make sure you’re signed up! In this scene, Camille has been dragged into Mateo’s playroom which he uses to get information out of women who his boss sends him after. Unfortunately for him, Camille isn’t exactly scared of him or the strap he just picked up.
“Ready?” He asked, and his voice came out as an even lower growl than he’d expected. His cock twitched inside his pants, as if it wanted to confirm for her that she was going to submit to everything he demanded of her.
“For what?” Her lips were even more perfect when they moved. Pink and full, and it took all of his self control not to skip the interlude of the strap and jump straight to fucking her against the soft floor. Or on the bed. Or bent over the spanking bench, with all her limbs tied –
You have a job to do. She’s a job.
“To tell me where Callahan is.”
She laughed, a strangely bright sound in his house that he wished he could bottle to hear again even as she taunted him. “You’re going to need to do a lot more than hold a belt ten feet away from me to get me to tell you shit.”
Even handcuffed Camille has a sharp tongue! She is so much fun and I can’t wait for this book to be in all of your hands! While you wait, make sure to check out these other snippets from other authors below on the bloghop!
Apr 6, 2016 | Bloghop |

It’s time for another #WIP Wednesday! This is another snippet from my upcoming release ‘Lethal Sin’ which will go out free to all of the subscribers on my mailing list! Last time, Mateo took Camille out of the warehouse and away to his house to get the information out of her. Now they’re inside and Camille is about to see just what’s waiting for her.
Mateo stopped them at a door down the hall. It didn’t even have a doorknob, it was just a solid sheet of wood from frame to frame. Camille watched carefully as he slid a hidden panel on the wall aside and dipped his free hand into the empty space. An instant later the door popped open.
“Now, that’s fancy.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Mateo growled behind her and nudged the door wide. As he pushed her inside the room lit up slowly, recessed lighting high on the walls made the ceiling glow above them. What was revealed made Camille’s stomach tighten as Rihanna’s S&M went off inside her head at top volume.
Apparently, whips and chains excited Mateo.
In addition to all kinds of other things that hung from racks on the walls, or sat on shelves, or loomed around the room in the shape of various pieces of clearly diabolical furniture. At the back of the room a platform bed dominated with dark sheets, and he hadn’t even tried to hide the restraints that waited at the four corners.
This had definitely never been featured in an issue of Better Homes & Gardens.
“What the ever-loving fuck is this?”
“This is where I’m going to get you to tell me everything I want to know.” The confidence in his voice grated her nerves and she shifted her wrists, causing the handcuffs to clatter softly.
“As I told your boyfriend, I’m not telling you idiots anything.”
Oooohhh, these two are a blast. Hope you liked this little snippet, and that you keep coming back for more (and sign up for my mailing list so you get the full book for free!). While you’re waiting, check out these hot sneak peeks from other authors on the blog hop below!
Apr 2, 2016 | Bloghop |

It’s time for another snippet from my upcoming release ‘Lethal Sin’ which follows two assassins from opposing criminal organizations, Camille and Mateo, who get thrown together when their bosses go head to head. Camille has information that Mateo wants, but she’s not giving it up. This book will go out FREE to all my newsletter subscribers, so sign up if you haven’t yet! In this scene Mateo took her away from their epic fight in his trunk (a snippet of which can be found on my #WIP Wednesday blog hop post) and now they’re at his house, but Camille isn’t exactly the damsel in distress.
PS – Check out my inspiration picture for Mateo’s house!
“Here’s a tip – don’t lie to me, tell me what we want to know, and you might leave here in one piece.” His voice was dark as he grabbed her arm and hauled her the rest of the way out of the trunk.
“Promises, promises…” she mumbled as he pushed her towards the house, and wow, what a house it was. A stone-faced colonial that stretched out to her left and right and went up two stories lit up the front by landscape lighting. Surrounded by plenty of space and trees on the edges of the property, it was secluded and beautiful. It looked like a house that should be in Better Homes & Gardens, owned by some yuppie rich couple for their weekend escapes, not some brute serving one of the more vicious criminal enterprises on the Eastern Seaboard.
“Like it? Just wait until you see the inside,” he whispered against her ear and she jerked her head away.
“No, thanks. I’m not in the mood for a tour, or to see what china you picked out for the formal dining room. You can just uncuff me and I’ll find my way -”
“Not a chance.” Mateo shoved her forward and up onto the porch as he unlocked the door with a push button code. They stepped into a pitch-dark house, but the incessant beeping from an alarm system had her laughing.
“Worried about bad men coming to take your throw pillows?” Camille grinned as he shut the system off and closed the door. It locked automatically and she noted the push-button code on the inside as well.
Smart motherfucker.
“Mostly worried about naughty girls trying to leave before they’ve been asked to.”
These two are just… fun. I love their banter and the way that neither of them ever back down from a fight. It’s a blast, and it’s why they’re perfect for each other. Their path to figuring that out is just a little different than most, ha! Honestly, I’m so excited about this entire ‘Dangerous Games’ series that I’m having to force myself to follow my writing goals for the year before I can dive into Camille’s backstory in the prequel I’m planning.
Two quick things:
- My latest release ‘Taken by the Enemy‘ was released last weekend and it was an overnight best-seller. I am SO glad that people are loving it as much as I did writing it, and Blushing Books (my publisher) is ecstatic as well. If you haven’t checked it out yet, here are the links: Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Blushing Books
- ‘Security Binds Her‘, the first book in the Thalia series, was advertised on BookBub on Thursday, 3/31. It’s still on sale for just 99 cents until 4/5, so grab a copy if you haven’t yet!
Now, enough about me, check out all these hot stories on the blog hop below!