It’s Thankful Thursday again lovelies and I am so glad because I am leaving tomorrow to go up to a cabin with my two best friends for a weekend of hiking and drinking and revelry! This week at work has been intense, I think most weeks after a holiday are, and so I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been looking forward to a hottie that could take our minds off of the dreaded Thursday and keep us distracted until the glories of Friday arrive! I think that this guy might help out a bit, and I picked him because he looks like he’s been on a long, hard… hike. What do you think? ^_^

PS – We have one of my favorite author friends, Myra Danvers, to thank for this one! Yum!

Exciting update tonight: ‘Taken by the Enemy‘ has held the #1 spot in all three primary categories on Amazon since last weekend AND it’s currently #8 in BDSM erotica. ‘Security Binds Her‘ is currently #2 in BDSM (fingers crossed it hits #1 tonight) and doing fantastic! I’m very excited and hope you check them out if you haven’t yet!

Want to talk about the deliciousness of Thankful Thursday? Join the comments happening on my Facebook page!
