I’ve been writing, lovelies, and Inheritance has been started! I have been so busy with writing, kiddo, and the house that I almost missed Ginger’s release, ‘Camille, Claimed’!! I can’t let that happen, because we alllllll love her, so check out this incredible opener below and tell me what you think!

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Camille, Claimed

I’d call Bastien Durand a nightmare, but you can wake up from a nightmare. And a nightmare doesn’t make you delirious with pleasure – before ripping you to pieces.

In high school, Bastien was my boyfriend, my protector, my tormentor, my everything…until the summer when I learned the true nature of his evil. Now he’s back to finish what he started. He’s everywhere.

My bedroom, my office, my car…I can’t escape his sweet caresses or his brutal tortures.

And worst of all…I don’t want to. I want more. Because the pain he inflicts is the worst I’ve ever felt, but the ecstasy of his touch is the drug that sings through my veins.

I want him caressing me, whispering sweet lies into my ears…“I love you…I’m going to destroy you. My voice will be the last thing you hear before you die.”

All of my life I’ve fought my cruel urges. But I’ve learned what dark forces shaped me, and the truth has set me free.

There’s a reason why I’m a monster, and now that I know the truth, I’ll destroy everyone who betrayed me.

First on the list is Camille, the girl who broke my black, evil heart. She left me once – she won’t escape me a second time. There are others who would take her from me if they could, because now that I’ve claimed her, she’s became a pawn in an ancient game. Let them come after her. I’ll kill them all, one by one. She’s mine. Mine to play with, mine to torment, mine to break into pieces so small she’ll never be whole again.

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Legacy: noun | leg·a·cy | ˈle-gə-sē
Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past
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I’m a wolf who was raised to be a sheep.
I have a long, rich, complicated family history. A legacy of evil and beauty. Power and terror.
My history and the truth about my nature were hidden from me, because I was raised by liars. I was raised by traitors. They feared me, loved me, caged me, comforted me, tried to ruin me. But a voice from my past came calling, the only true voice I’ve ever heard, and whispered in my ear. The voice told me where I really came from.
And now I’m free.
Free to hunt. Free to kill, to maim, to torture—whatever amuses me.
Free to claim her…Camille. My obsession. My first and only love. The princess I was born to conquer. The girl who was sworn to be mine…until she betrayed me with lies and ruined my life.
Nothing’s holding me back now. I’ll bury Camille in the deepest, darkest dungeon, where only I can hear her pleas for mercy…of which there will be none. I’ll be her nightmare, her tormentor, her only solace.
There are others who would take her from me if they could, because now that I’ve claimed her, she’s become a pawn in an ancient game. Let them come after her. I’ll kill them all, one by one. She’s mine. Mine to punish, mine to take apart, mine to make into my willing and eager slave—before I deliver the cruelest blow of all. The blow that she won’t survive.

Turning point: noun
1. A point at which a decisive change takes place; critical point; crisis.
2. A point at which something changes direction, especially a high or low point on a graph.
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Bastien Durand was my turning point.
My life is divided into “before Bastien” and “after Bastien”. Life before Bastien was cool, monotone, lived carefully by the rules. Life after I met Bastien was a storm of color and emotion.
When I met him, I knew my life had forever changed. I just couldn’t imagine the horrible path he’d drag me down.
I sensed him before I saw him, and tensed, a gazelle in the sights of a lion. He slid next to me at the lunch table at school, and I felt a crackling in the air, like heat lightning. My heart beat faster. The forbidden place between my legs came to life, and shameful longings crawled through my mind.
Every day after that, for three delirious years, was like a fever dream of desire and a pleasure so intense that it was painful. But I learned to love that pain, that yearning, or maybe Bastien’s darkness spoke to a perversion that was slumbering inside me all along.
And then it ended.
And then he destroyed us.
I’ve spent the last ten years trying to recover, putting together a semblance of a life.
Now he’s back, with hate in his eyes and a knife in his hand. I’m still a gazelle in the sights of a lion, but this time he means to bring me down and tear my heart open the same I way did to him, to drink in my dying breaths. There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Our collision course can’t be delayed anymore. He’ll slam into me, and we’ll explode, matter meeting antimatter, and God alone knows if anything will rise from the wreckage.

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Do you see what I mean? This is not a story I would have wanted to miss, I am so glad I got to share it with you!! Time for the clickyclicky so we can all dive into this deviousness!

Amazon: 1-click it now!

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Want more of Ginger Talbot?

Ginger Talbot is a fan of dark chocolate, dark romance, and talking about herself in the third person. She’s a restless soul who’s wandered from coast to coast, and can generally be found in the local bookstore coffee shop, flipping through the pages of a romance or thriller, and overindulging in lattes.

She majored in journalism and, in days of yore, worked as a newspaper reporter covering cops and courts, and then went on to work as a patient care tech in an emergency room. She’s also done stints as the world’s worst secretary and a mediocre cocktail waitress.

Now she sits around all day making up stories about sexy, dominant Alpha-holes and the smart-mouthed, sassy women who love to hate to love them.