If you’ve chatted with me much, you may have heard me rave about my favorite musician Amanda Palmer. Her birthday was last week when I was away playing with all of my author friends, and she asked that people share her work with the people they love. And you know what, lovelies? I adore all of you. Just like Amanda talks about in this long discussion of her latest album, I couldn’t make the art that I make without all of you, just like she couldn’t make the art she does without people supporting her. I’ve been on her Patreon since she launched it, I supported the epic Kickstarter she references in this post, and I’ve been in love with her since a friend first handed me a burned copy of ‘Who Killed Amanda Palmer’ and told me I had to listen to it, because they knew I’d love it. And you know what? I did.
I’ll admit that this album, where she finally got to work with the musical hero of her youth Edward Ka-spel, is a different Amanda Palmer than you’d hear nowadays. It reminds me of the creepier Dresden Dolls songs (her first band), but in a way that I adore.
In fulfilling her birthday wish, I wanted to link you to this lovely page. Even if all you do is go and listen to her album (for free, she never charges for music, just asks for tips in the tip jar if you feel so inclined), you’ll have made her birthday wish come true, and you’ll be a teensy more connected to me. (Check out Theater is Evil to hear my favorite album!). Anyway, loves, I have something cool I’m trying to write and Amanda’s openness has inspired me to just do it, so watch for that sometime this week!
Here is the line that specifically inspired me today: “WHY NOT, indeed? it was a lesson, a reminder, that we get attached to (and buried in) our own ideas of How Art Is Supposed To Be Made. art can get made any way you want, you just have to fucking Do It.”
Hell yes, AFP. We just need to fucking do it. The people who want our brand of art will find us. Whether it’s a strange electronic and haunting album like ‘I Can Spin a Rainbow’ or the dark and twisty books that make the words fly out of me. We just have to fucking do the thing, take the donut, say yes.
Hopefully it inspires you as much as it did me, lovelies. <3