Oh, lovelies, it is Thankful Thursday again and I am so excited to bring you this delicious looking hottie to distract you until Friday arrives! This picture is courtesy of my author friend Christine Hart and as soon as she sent over the picture this week, I knew he had to be the man for Thursday!

I don’t know about your weeks, but my week at the day job has been miserable. The good news is that I’m nominated for the May book of the month in the Dark Erotica Goodreads group (check out my separate post on that to vote and help me win, votes end tomorrow!), I’ve got the pre-order for Lethal Sin going live on Monday, and I am ALMOST done with the first draft of ‘Tara’, book 2 in my Daughters of Eltera series! So much excitement, but I’m definitely looking forward to the weekend.

Hope all of you have a good one, and just stare into his abs if work starts to wear you down. I know it’s helping me!

Want to talk about the deliciousness of Thankful Thursday? Join the comments happening on my Facebook page!
